I. Governance / Business Ethics (5-15%) 治理/企业道德(5-15%) A. Corporate/Organizational Governance Principles – Proficiency Level (P) 企业/组织的治理原则——要求熟练掌握(P) B. Environmental and Social Safeguards 环境和社会保障 C. Corporate Social Responsibility 企业社会责任 II. Risk Management (10-20%) - Proficiency Level (P) 风险管理(10-20%)——要求熟练掌握(P) A. Risk Management Techniques 风险管理技术 B. Organizational Use of Risk Frameworks 风险框架的组织运用 III. Organizational Structure/Business Processes and Risks (15-25%) 组织结构/业务流程和风险(15-25%) A. Risk/Control Implications of Different Organizational Structures 不同组织结构中的风险/控制涵义 B. Structure (e.g., centralized/decentralized) 结构(如:集中的/分散的) C. Typical Schemes in Various Business Cycles (e.g., procurement, sales, knowledge, supply-chain management) 各种商业周期的典型方案(如:采购,销售,知识,供应链管理) D. Business Process Analysis (e.g., workflow analysis and bottleneck management, theory of constraints) 经营过程分析 (如:工作流程分析和瓶颈管理,约束理论) E. Inventory Management Techniques and Concepts 存货管理技术与概念 F. Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)/Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)/E-commerce 电子资金转帐(EFT)/电子数据交换(EDI)/电子商务 G. Business Development Life Cycles 企业发展生命周期 H. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Framework 国际标准化组织(ISO)框架 I. Outsourcing Business Processes 外包业务流程 IV. Communication (5-10%) 通讯((5-10%) A. Communication (e.g., the process, organizational dynamics, impact of computerization) 通讯(如:过程,组织动力学,计算机化的影响) B. Stakeholder Relationships 利益相关者的关系 V. Management / Leadership Principles (10-20%) 管理/领导原则(10-20%) A. Strategic Management 战略管理 1. Global analytical techniques 全球分析技术 a. Structural analysis of industries 产业结构分析 b. Competitive strategies (e.g., Porter's model) 竞争策略(如:波特模型) c. Competitive analysis 竞争分析 d. Market signals 市场信号 e. Industry evolution 产业演进 2. Industry environments 行业环境 a. Competitive strategies related to: 竞争战略相关的: a1. Fragmented industries 零散型产业 a2. Emerging industries 新兴产业 a3. Declining industries 夕阳产业 b. Competition in global industries 全球产业竞争 b1. Sources/impediments 来源/障碍 b2. Evolution of global markets 全球市场的演变 b3. Strategic alternatives 战略选择 b4. Trends affecting competition 影响竞争的趋势 3. Strategic decisions 战略决策 a. Analysis of integration strategies 整合策略分析 b. Capacity expansion 容量扩展 c. Entry into new businesses 进入新的业务 4. Forecasting 预测 5. Quality management (e.g., TQM, Six Sigma) 质量管理(如:全面质量管理,六西格玛) 6. Decision analysis 决策分析 B. Organizational Behavior 组织行为 1. Organizational theory (structures and configurations) 组织理论(结构和配置) 2. Organizational behavior (e.g., motivation, impact of job design, rewards, schedules) 组织行为(如:动机,工作设计的影响,报酬,安排) 3. Group dynamics (e.g., traits, development stages, organizational politics, effectiveness) 群体动力学(如:特点,发展阶段,组织政治,效果) 4. Knowledge of human resource processes (e.g., individual performance management, supervision, personnel sourcing/staffing, staff development) 人力资源过程知识(如:个人绩效管理,监督,人员招聘/配备,员工发展) 5. Risk/control implications of different leadership styles 不同领导风格下的风险/控制内容 6. Performance (productivity, effectiveness, etc.) 绩效(生产率,效率等) C. Management Skills/Leadership Styles 管理技巧/领导风格 1. Lead, inspire, mentor, and guide people, building organizational commitment and entrepreneurial orientation 领导,激励,指导,引导人们树立组织承诺,构建创业导向 2. Create group synergy in pursuing collective goals 发挥团队协作精神,追求共同目标 3. Team-building and assessing team performance 团队建设与团队绩效评估 D. Conflict Management 冲突管理 1. Conflict resolution (e.g., competitive, cooperative, and compromise) 解决冲突(如:竞争,合作,妥协) 2. Negotiation skills 谈判技巧 3. Conflict management 冲突管理 4. Added-value negotiating 增值谈判 E. Project Management / Change Management 项目管理/变革管理 1. Change management 变革管理 2. Project management techniques 项目管理技术 VI. IT / Business Continuity (15-25%) 信息技术/业务持续性(15-25%) A. Security 安全性 1. Physical/system security (e.g., firewalls, access control) 实体/系统安全(如:防火墙,访问控制) 2. Information protection (e.g., viruses, privacy) 信息保护(如:病毒,保密) 3. Application authentication 应用软件认证 4. Encryption 加密 B. Application Development 应用软件开发 1. End-user computing 终端用户计算 2. Change control (Proficiency Level) 变更控制(要求熟练掌握) 3. Systems development methodology (Proficiency Level) 系统开发方法学(要求熟练掌握) 4. Application development (Proficiency Level) 应用软件开发(要求熟练掌握) 5. Information systems development 信息系统开发 C. System Infrastructure 系统基础设施 1. Workstations 工作站 2. Databases 数据库 3. IT control frameworks (e.g., eSAC, COBIT) 信息技术控制框架(如:eSAC, COBIT) 4. Functional areas of IT operations (e.g., data center operations) 信息技术系统运营的功能分类(如:数据中心运营) 5. Enterprise-wide resource planning (ERP) software (e.g., SAP R/3) 企业资源计划(ERP)软件(如:SAP R/3) 6. Data, voice, and network communications/connections (e.g., LAN, VAN, and WAN) 数据,语音和网络通讯/连接(如:局域网,虚拟专用网和广域网) 7. Server 服务器 8. Software licensing 软件许可 9. Mainframe 大型机 10. Operating systems 操作系统 11. Web infrastructure 网络基础设施 D. Business Continuity 业务持续性 1. IT contingency planning 信息技术系统应急计划 VII. Financial Management (13-23%) 财务管理(13-23%) A. Financial Accounting and Finance 财务会计与财务管理 1. Basic concepts and underlying principles of financial accounting (e.g., statements, terminology, relationships) 财务会计的基本概念与基本原则(如:报表,术语,关系) 2. Intermediate concepts of financial accounting (e.g., bonds, leases, pensions, intangible assets, RandD) 中级财务会计概念(如:债券,租赁,退休金,无形资产,研发支出) 3. Advanced concepts of financial accounting (e.g., consolidation, partnerships, foreign currency transactions) 高级财务会计概念(如:合并,合伙,外币业务) 4. Financial statement analysis (e.g., ratios) 财务报表分析(如:比率) 5. Types of debt and equity 债务和权益的种类 6. Financial instruments (e.g., derivatives) 金融工具(如:金融衍生品) 7. Cash management (e.g., treasury functions) 现金管理(如:出纳职能) 8. Valuation models 估价模型 9. Business valuation 企业价值评估 10. Inventory valuation 存货估价 11. Capital budgeting (e.g., cost of capital evaluation) 资本预算(如:资本成本评估) 12. Taxation schemes (e.g., tax shelters, VAT) 税收体制(如:减免所得税合法手段,增值税) B. Managerial Accounting 管理会计 1. General concepts 基本概念 2. Costing systems (e.g., activity-based, standard) 成本核算系统(如:作业成本系统,固定成本系统) 3. Cost concepts (e.g., absorption, variable, fixed) 成本的概念(如:全部成本,变动成本,固定成本) 4. Relevant cost 相关成本 5. Cost-volume-profit analysis 本-量-利分析 6. Transfer pricing 转移定价 7. Responsibility accounting 责任会计 8. Operating budget 运营预算 VIII. Global Business Environment (0-10%) 全球商业环境(0-10%) A. Economic / Financial Environments 经济/金融环境 1. Global, multinational, international, and multi-local compared and contrasted 全球的,跨国的,国际的,和多个地方的金融环境比较和对照 2. Requirements for entering the global marketplace 进入全球市场的要求 3. Creating organizational adaptability 形成组织的适应能力 4. Managing training and development 管理培训和发展 B. Cultural / Political Environments 文化的/政治的环境 1. Balancing global requirements and local imperatives 平衡全球的和地方的需求 2. Global mindsets (personal characteristics/competencies) 全球思维(个人特征/能力) 3. Sources and methods for managing complexities and contradictions 管理的复杂性和矛盾的根源与方法 4. Managing multicultural teams 多元文化团队的管理 C. Legal and Economics — General Concepts (e.g., contracts) 法经济学——基本概念(如:合同) D. Impact of Government Legislation and Regulation on Business (e.g., trade legislation) 政府立法与监管对经营的影响(如:贸易立法) |