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2009-2-9 16:47 正保会计网校 【 】【打印】【我要纠错

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第六部分 完形填空(共六篇)


Is Your Child's Stomach Pain All in His Head?

  We all know there are times that kids seem to complain   1  a stomach ache to get out of1 chores or going to school. Don't be so sure that the pain they  2 is all in their minds2. We're learning more now about a condition   3  " functional abdominal pain" that is experienced by millions of kids every day.

  Like many teenagers, Kyle Brust makes it a point to do his homework: as   4  as he gets home. Unlike most, Kyle often did his with a terrible stomach ache. In fact, the   5  often started while he was at school, but getting help there was getting harder.

  "Some of my teachers wouldn't let me go, because I'd asked so many times before and they thought I was trying to get out of  6 ," says Kyle.

  Kyle's mom Marilyn says she couldn't blame the  7  . After all, she'd taken him to the doctor several times herself, and even they couldn't find anything  8 

  "You know, you're running the tests and nothing's coming up4. So, is it in his head, is he just an extremely stressful child? It's just frustrating   9  we're not finding any answers," says Marilyn.

  It turns out Kyle was suffering from a condition known   10 functional abdominal pain, that affects as many as one out of every ten kids in this country. Even   11 the cause of the pain may not be obvious, there are real consequences.

  "It really does hurt, and these kids really do suffer," says Dr. Campo, MD at Nationwide

  Children's Hospital. To help   12 , Campo is looking into a new approach. He's conducting clinical trials of an antidepressant that changes the way the body handles a chemical called

  serotonin. In a preliminary study, Dr. Campo found that in about eight out of ten  13 ,the drug normally used to treat emotional pain worked to ease the pain in the  14 

  "We think about it as being important in anxiety and depression and that's all quite true, but

  what's really interesting is that 95% of our body's serotonin is in our gut," says Campo.

  Campo believes these kids have extremely sensitive intestines, and controlling the effects of

  serotonin may  15 ease the pain. It seemed to work for Kyle, who is now completely pain free for the first time in years.


  Chore n.零星活儿 gut n.下消化道,肠;胃

  Antidepressant n.抗抑郁药 intestine n.肠

  Serotonin n.血清素


  1.get out of:逃避

  2.Don’t be so sure that the pain they feel is all in their minds:不要确信无疑他们所感觉到的疼痛全部是想象出来的。题目中的in his head等同于in his mind。

  3.makes it a point to do sth:决心(坚持)做某事

  4.nothing’s coming up:没有任何结果


  1. A of B on C at D by

  2. A take B forget C feel D make

  3. A stopped B created C called D mentioned

  4. A soon B early C late D timely

  5. A work B play C program D pain

  6. A class B punishment C treatment D home

  7. A doctors B teachers C parents D classmates

  8. A good B useful C wrong D handy

  9. A because B although C unless D so

  10. A to B at C in D as

  11. A though B whether C thus D how

  12. A them B him C us D you

  13. A numbers B studies C cases D parts

  14. A stomach B head C heart D mind

  15. A support B aid C assist D help


  1.A 表示“抱怨某事”,要在complain后面跟of一词。

  2.C 显然,空格处应填“感觉”,用feel一词。

  3.C A condition called “functional abdominal pain”的意思是:一种被称作“功能性腹部疼痛”的病。

  4.A 短语“as soon as”是固定搭配,意思是“一……(就……)”。

  5.D 前一句的末尾提到了a terrible stomach pain,因此,接下来谈的还应是the pain。

  6.A 老师们不让他走,显然他们认为他是想逃课,所以应选class一词。

  7.B 前一句提到了学校的老师,显然,作为孩子的母亲,Marilyn觉得怪不着老师。

  8.C 根据上文可以得知,即使是医生们也查不出什么毛病。

  9.A 本句的意思是“这种情况令人困顿,因为我们得不出任何答案。

  10.D known as是固定搭配,意思是“通常名叫”。

  11.A even though是固定搭配,意思是“尽管”。

  12.A前一句中出现了these kids,空格处还应指他们,所以用them一词。

  13.C in about eight out of ten cases的意思是:在每十个病例中约有八例。


