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2011-10-24 09:39 来源:正保会计网校 打印 | 收藏 |

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  Racial Prejudice

  In some countries where racial prejucide is acute, violence has been taken for granted as a means of solving differences; and this is not even questioned. There are countries _________(51) the white man imposes his rude by brute (粗暴) force; there are countries where the black man protests by _(52) fire to cities and by looting and pillaging(抢夺). Important people on both sides, who would in other respects appear to be reasonable men, get up and calmly argue in_________(53) of violence as if it were a legitimate (合法的) solution, _________(54) any other. What is really frightening, what really _________(55) you with despair, is the realization that when it comes to the crunch(关键时刻), we have made no actual _________(56) at all. We may wear collars and ties instead of war-paint, but our insticts remain basically unchanged. The whole of the recorded _________(57) of the human race, that tedious documentation of violence, has taught us absolutely nothing. We have still not learnt that_________(58) never solves a problem but makes it more acute. The sheer horror, the bloodshed and the suffering _________(59) nothing. No solution ever comes to _________(60) the moming after when we dismally(阴郁地) contemplate the smoking ruins and wonder what hit us.

  The truly reasonable men who _________(61) where the solutions lie are finding it harder and harder to get a hearing. They are despised, mistrusted and even persecuted _________(62) their own kind because they advocate such apparently outrageous things as low enforcement. If half the energy that goes into _________(63) acts were put to good use, if our efforts were directed at_________(64) up the slums and ghettos (贫民窟), at improving living-standards and providing education and employment for all, we would not have gone a long way to _________(65) at a solution.

  51. A. where B. what C. why D. when

  52. A. fighting B. returning C. catching D. setting

  53. A. spite B. memory C. need D. favor

  54. A. to B. through C. like D. as

  55. A. fills B. puts C. forces D. sets

  56. A. progress B. decision C. point D. sense

  57. A. system B. history C. range D. business

  58. A. argument B. violence C. talk D. research

  59. A. deal B. have C. mean D. want

  60. A. light B. life C. end D. mind

  61. A. suggest B. demand C. consider D. know

  62. A. by B. for C. with D. of

  63. A. final B. lawful C. violent D. symbolic

  64. A. looking B. getting C. taking D. cleaning

  65. A. meeting B. laughing C. startling D. arriving


  51.A[解析]名词country后面可以用in which表示地点,引导限定性定语从句,但不能只用which,如果要用它,应在从句的后面出现in,例如:This is the place in which he grew up/ which he grew up in. where和in which意思相同,其他选项意思不对,因此选A。

  52.D [解析]set fire to是固定短语,意思为点火;catch fire:着火,例如:Dry catches fire easily.干草容易着火,用在文中意思不对。其他选项搭配错误,因此正确答案是D。

  53.D[解析]in favor of是固定搭配,意思:赞同。从上下文判断,只有D最合适,表示"赞成暴力"。

  54.C [解析]any other前面需要一个介词,根据前面的as if从句,可以判断like(像……一样)符合题意。through:通过;as:作为。

  55.A[解析】fill sb. with sth.是固定搭配,意思是"使某人充满……"如:The room was filled with students.房子里坐满了学生。force sb. into doing sth.强迫某人做某事。

  56.A[解析]make和progress搭配表示"取得进步、进展";用在此处意思正确。make decision:做决定;make sense:合理的,明智的,例如:It makes sense to save money while you can.趁着自己能办到时积攒些钱是明智的。

  57.B[解析]从上下文判断,此处应该是指人类有记录以来的历史,因此选B。range:范围,例如:an area with a wide range of temperature温度变化幅度很多的地区。system:系统。

  58.B [解析]从前面一句看出,violence符合题意,即我们始终认识到暴力从来就没有解决过任何问题,却只会使问题更加尖锐。argument:争论;research:研究。

  59.C[解析]deal和with搭配,是处理、对待的意思。want:想要;根据上下文C意思合适,mean nothing:毫无意义。

  60.A [解析]整句意思是到早晨还是没有任何解决办法。come to light:找到,出现;come to life:使苏醒过来;使有活力;come to an end:结束;come to decision:得出结论,所以正确答案是A。

  61.D[解析]空格后紧跟一个where引导的宾语从句,四个选项中know意思符合题意,即知道解决问题的方法,其他几个不符合题意。suggest sb.to do sth.:建议;consider as:认为,视为;demand:要求。

  62.A[解析]前面的are despised,mistrusted and even persecuted属被动语态,所以后面应该用by引出施加动作的主体,所以A正确。

  63.C[解析]lawful:合法的;symboilic:象征性的,例如:The flag is symbolic of the fignting of modern womanhood.这面旗帜象征着现代妇女的战斗精神。final:最后的;violent:激烈的,violent acts:暴力的行为。

  64.D [解析]clean up是固定搭配,清除,铲除;句意为消除贫民区,符合题意。look up:抬头看:get up:起床;take up sth.:着手处理,开始从事,例如:He has taken up a job as a teacher.他开始当教师了。

  65.D[解析]根据本句意思,应该是不久我们就能想出解决问题的方法,arrive at a solution:拿出/想出解决办法。laught at:嘲笑;be stratled at:对……感到吃惊。


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学员:王仁芝 我去年7月开始差不多从零学起,坚持到考试,考了72分,十分感谢老师及网校的辅导!

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