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2011-11-25 14:01 来源:正保会计网校 打印 | 收藏 |

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  Natural Health Care

  Natural health care is a philosophy and a set of principles and practices’ based on science that lead to an extraordinary level of personal health and happiness.

  It recognizes the unity of all life and holds that physical,mental,and emotional health cannot be separated,and that personal health,environmental health,and community health are parts of a whole. Natural hygiene (卫生学)teaches that the best way to achieve best health is right living—— developing self-esteem and a positive attitude towards life;eating fresh,whole natural foods;exercising regularly;getting plenty of rest and sleep;getting plenty of fresh air and sunshine;learning to handle stress;and avoiding all negative influences of life.

  Basic principles:Natural health care is unique in its argument that health is normal——as simple as living in harmony with nature. Health and disease are a continuum (连续统一体)——the same physiological (生理的)laws govern the body in sickness and in health. Healing(康复)is a biological process——except in extraordinary circumstances,healing is the result of actions undertaken by the body on its own behalf.

  The tradition of natural health care:The traditional principles of natural hygiene are explained by Herbert M. Shelton in his Natural Hygiene:The Plain Way of Life. Shelton writes:It should not require argument to convince intelligent men and women that man can return to health and strength only upon a basis of law,natural law,specifically,upon a basis of those laws that operate to make human life possible. All laws essential to the welfare of man are written in his own constitution. Every rule of human conduct to be valued in promoting human welfare and happiness must be in harmony with his nature. No law,no social custom,no moral principle,can have any validity (有效性)for man that does not agree with his highest welfare. If it is not closely related to man’s highest physical,moral and intellectual fitness,it cannot be consistent with his highest ideals of truth,duty and enjoyment.

  1 According to the passage,physical,mental,and emotional health are

  A quite unimportant.

  B completely unrelated.

  C pretty much the same.

  D closely linked.

  2 Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an example of right living?

  A Learning to give in.

  B Taking a positive attitude towards life.

  C Sleeping as much as possible.

  D Exercising regularly.

  3 In view of the basic principles of natural health care,which of the following statements is NOT true?

  A Health means living in harmony with nature.

  B Healing is a biological process.

  C There is no difference between health and disease.

  D The same physiological laws govern the body in sickness and in health.

  4 In Shelton’s eyes,trying to convince intelligent people that man can return to health only on a basis of natural law

  A may prove difficult.

  B is impossible.

  C should be easy.

  D will need a great deal of argument.

  5 No rule of human conduct can be considered important in promoting the welfare of man unless

  A it is in harmony with his nature.

  B it has been turned into a law.

  C it has nothing to do with his highest fitness

  D it disagrees with his highest ideals.



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