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2011-12-19 10:20 来源:正保会计网校 打印 | 收藏 |

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High-tech Warfare

  Today, high-tech warfare is no longer an abstract concept, but a real___1___. Technology determines tactics, sociology, and the development of weaponry. It also___2___the changes in battles. Then what are the new characteristics of modern battles brought by the___3___of high technologies?

  High-tech warfare naturally includes high technology. In modern battles, a single kind of weapon can hardly be___4___. Various weaponry,___5___intelligence detection and information processing, should work well with each other. Aerial weaponry becomes the main force in battles in the sky. Precision homing weaponry 1 like cruise missiles and missiles___6___satellite homing systems become the main attack weapons.

  Battle control systems play a dominant role. Various weapons and logistics systems are integrated into a comprehensive framework,___7___embodying the modem high-tech weaponry. Depending on various___8___equipment and means in electronic warfare, ourarmy will not be passively beaten. In terms of the battlefield, high-tech warfare has created a type of non-linear chaos.___9___the use of long-range precision weaponry, the opposite parties in warfare can't "touch" or "see" each other, and distance is no longer the decisive factor affecting the course of battles. It is hard to clearly define the lines between the frontier and the rear, as well as attack and defense. The traditional three-dimensional air-sea battlefield will be___10___by the multi-dimensional battlefield composed of air, sea, magnetic, electrical and information battlefields. No large-scale movements can be conducted___11___.

  Because modem weaponry systems are closely related to chains of demand and communication and electronic technology, the parties___12___have to pay attention to the usufruct and control of electromagnetic frequency spectrum. So electronic warfare becomes___13___ important and the necessary guarantee of victory.___14___stage warfare goes to and whatever cloak it wears, it always violates peace and brings the world bloodshed. Most people think of high technology as a way to enhance___15___lives, and they don't wish it be used to destroy lives.

  1. A proposal B improvement C changeD issue

  2. A eliminates B destroys C causesD reduces

  3. A appreciation B application C evaluation D modification

  4. A effective B active C descriptive D protective

  5. A as for B such as C as such D as to

  6. A with B on C in D under

  7. A unexpectedly B accidentally C luckilyD centrally

  8. A experimental B controllable C advanced D dangerous

  9. A In terms of B Regardless of C Because of D In spite of

  10. A repeated B rejected C recovered D replaced

  11. A secretly B physicallyC usefully D linearly

  12. A informed B involved C integrated D intended

  13. A equally B increasingly C mentally D seemingly

  14. A Whatever B Whoever C Whenever D However

  15. A our B your C their D his



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