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2011-12-19 10:19 来源:正保会计网校 打印 | 收藏 |

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Hospital Mistreatment

  According to a study, most medical interns report experiencing mistreatment, including humiliation by senior doctors, _____1____ threatened, or physical abuse in their first year out of medical school.

  The findings come from analysis of the _____2____ a 13-page survey mailed in January 1991 to 1,733 second-year residents. The survey and ____3____ appear in the April 15th issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

  Overall, out of the 1,277 residents ____4____ completed surveys, 1,185 said that they had experienced at least one incident of mistreatment in their intern year. _____5____ reporting incidents where they were abused, more than 45% of the residents said they had witnessed at least one incident where other persons ____6_____ false medical records. Moreover, nearly three quarters of the residents said they had witnessed mistreatment of patients by other residents, attending physicians1, or nurses. Almost 40% said patient mistreatment was a frequent______7____.

  More than 10% of the residents said they were _____8____ to have enough sleep, and the average number of hours ____9____ sleep was 37.6. The average on-call hours during a ____10____ week was 56.9 hours, but about 25% of the residents said their on-call assignments were more than 80 hours some weeks.

  _____11____ 30% of the residents said they experienced some type of sexual harassment or discrimination, verbal abuse was the most common problem cited. When abusive incidents were limited to events occurring three or more times, 53% of the respondents reported that they ____12____ belittled or humiliated by more senior residents, while just over 21% reported someone taking credit for2 their work. Being "_____13____ tasks for punishment," "being pushed, kicked or hit," and ___14__ someone "threatening your reputation or career," were reported as a more_____15____ occurrence by over 10% of the responding residents.

  1. A be B been C were D being

  2. A responsive B responses to C respond to D responding

  3. A analyze B analysis C having analyzed Dbe analyzed

  4. A who B which C whom D whose

  5. A In spite of B In addition to C Because D Although

  6. A had made B have made C has made D make

  7. A events B happens C event D happen

  8. A allowed not B not allowed C allow not D not allow

  9. A without B on C with D because of

  10. A unusual B typical C easy D difficult

  11. A In spite of B Therefore C Although D So

  12. A are B be C must be D were

  13. A give B giving C gave D given

  14. A had B have C having D has

  15. A frequent B frequency C dependent D independent



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学员:王仁芝 我去年7月开始差不多从零学起,坚持到考试,考了72分,十分感谢老师及网校的辅导!

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