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2012-01-11 09:08 来源:正保会计网校 打印 | 收藏 |

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“Own” your Children’ s Education

  “Helping them isn’t about showing your kids how to do the work.It’s about being genuinely interested and having regular conversations about what they’re learning,”says J.Gary Knowles,a professor at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education。part of the University of Toronto.

  Rozon has a slew of suggestions for how to get more involved.“Get to know the teacher.Discuss ways to tailor the assignments to your child’s learning style.Spend time in the classroom.Ask for outlines of unit studies so you can find supplementary materials at the 1ibrary or through videos.Read your child’s textbooks:If you work a few pages ahead,you’ll be able to help them with problems they encounter”

  Reading is another must,says Rozon.“Even after your children Can read themselves, hearing somebody else read aloud is important.We nearly always have a book on the go;we read for at least a half hour before bedtime.”

  The more engaged a parent is,the more the child benefit,adds Bruce Arai.“The evidence is clear:Parental involvement is one of the most important factors in school success.”Arai cites the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth.sponsored by Human Resources Development Canada(HRDC), which is measuring all aspects of child development.“The hours children spend in class are but one element of their education。”states HRDC,which says parental support,along with teacher support and a positive attitude towards school,all contribute to academic SUCCESS.

  “I see every moment of every day as a learning experience.”says Goforth.“The most satisfying part of it is seeing the love of learning continued.I’m not squelching my children’s desire to learn by insisting they learn.They learn because they want to.”

  Adds Jeanne Lambert,mother of Carey Graham:“Make the time,take the time,guide,lead,and encourage.If nothing else,your children learn you care,and that’s the most important1esson you can give them.”

  1.According to the passage, parents should help their children with their homework.

  A.right B.wrong C.Not mentioned

  2. You should read your child’s textbooks so that you can teach them.

  A.right B.wrong C.Not mentioned

  3.Children should always take a book with them on the way back from school and read it aloud.

  A.right B.wrong C.Not mentioned

  4. If parents show a lot of interest in their children’s study, the children will do better at school.

  A.right B.wrong C.Not mentioned

  5.It is very important that you let your children know you feel love and concern for them.

  A.right B.wrong C.Not mentioned

  6. Parents must observe classes regularly.

  A.right B.wrong C.Not mentioned

  7. Governmental support also pays a role in achieving academic success.

  A.right B.wrong C.Not mentioned



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学员:chuhero 感谢周涵老师,职称英语过了。我觉得应该在这里跟老师说声谢谢,老师的讲课很实用,针对性强,是很有学习价值的课程,如果你想通过职称英语考试,就听周老师的课程吧。

学员:王仁芝 我去年7月开始差不多从零学起,坚持到考试,考了72分,十分感谢老师及网校的辅导!

学员:lilizhangx 职称英语通过了!毕业10年了,没怎么接触英语,跟着周涵老师学习,一次通过!

学员:张洪杰 首先感谢周涵老师,好多年没有学习了,经过老师的讲解顺利过关,这已经出乎我的预料,真的很激动,终于没让老师们失望,通过了,很高兴。

学员:xsqxxlxzj 十多年没有学习过英语了,通过职业培训教育网3个多月的学习,83分通过职称英语综合C级考试,非常感谢周涵老师,谢谢您!

学员:best888zhou 毕业以后就没有翻过英语了,丢了有七年了,虽然以前基础还不错,但这次真的是没有信心,过年后开始复习,用了差不多一个月的时间,B级综合考了80分,很开心,谢谢周涵老师的细致讲解!








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