补全短文 (第46~50题,每题2分,共10分)
A Bad Idea
Think you can walk,drive,take phone calls,e-mail and listen to music at the same time? Well,New York’s new law says you can’t (1)The law went into force last month,following research and a shocking number of accidents that involved people using electronic gadgets(小日机械)when crossing the street.
Who’s to blame? (2) “We are under the impression that our brain can do more than it often can,” says Rene Marois, a neuroscientist(神经科学家) in Tennessee. “But a core limitation is the inability to concentrate on two things at once”.
The young people are often considered the great multitaskers (3)A group of 18-to 21-year-olds and a group of 35-to 39-year-olds Were given 90 seconds to translate images into numbers, using a simple code. (4)But when both groups were interrupted by a phone call or an instant message, the older group matched the younger group in speed and accuracy.
It is difficult to measure the productivity lost by multitaskers. But it is probably a lot. Jonathan Spire,chief analyst at Basex,a business-research firm, estimates the cost of interruptions to the American economy at nearly$650 billion a year. (5) The surveys conclude that 28 percent of the workers’time was spent on interruptions and recovery time before they returned to their main tasks.
A. And you’ll be fined$100ifyou do so on a New York City street
B. Talking on a cellphone while driving brings you joy anyway
C. The estimate is based on surveys with office workers
D. The younger group did 10 percent better when not interrupted
E. However , an 0xford University ,research suggests this perception is open to question
F. Scientists say that our multitasking(多任务处理) abilities are limited.
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学员:chuhero 感谢周涵老师,职称英语过了。我觉得应该在这里跟老师说声谢谢,老师的讲课很实用,针对性强,是很有学习价值的课程,如果你想通过职称英语考试,就听周老师的课程吧。
学员:王仁芝 我去年7月开始差不多从零学起,坚持到考试,考了72分,十分感谢老师及网校的辅导!
学员:lilizhangx 职称英语通过了!毕业10年了,没怎么接触英语,跟着周涵老师学习,一次通过!
学员:张洪杰 首先感谢周涵老师,好多年没有学习了,经过老师的讲解顺利过关,这已经出乎我的预料,真的很激动,终于没让老师们失望,通过了,很高兴。
学员:xsqxxlxzj 十多年没有学习过英语了,通过职业培训教育网3个多月的学习,83分通过职称英语综合C级考试,非常感谢周涵老师,谢谢您!
学员:best888zhou 毕业以后就没有翻过英语了,丢了有七年了,虽然以前基础还不错,但这次真的是没有信心,过年后开始复习,用了差不多一个月的时间,B级综合考了80分,很开心,谢谢周涵老师的细致讲解!
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