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2012-02-14 10:01 来源:正保会计网校 打印 | 收藏 |

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Solar Storm

  At the end of October 2003, a sudden solar storm hit the earth. A solar storm refers to the large amounts of charged particles released into space_______(1) the solar energy increases. The release of the energy_______(2) place along with the activity of the sunspots with a cycle of: 11 years. This time, the_______(3) of the storm exceeded expectations.

  This_______(4) of intense solar storm was caused by the eruption of a solar flare (闪光) and the ejection (喷发) of the solar corona (日冠) on October 28, 2003. Large amounts of charged particles moved 150,000,000 kilometers through space toward the_______(5) in 19 hours. They could affect aircraft roaming (漫游) in space.

  The high-energy particles will_______(6) some of the parts of an aircraft. They may also cause it to fail. High-energy particles can threaten the safety of an aircraft at a high orbit. If an aircraft orbits at a lower orbit, it is_______(7) because it is under the protection of the earth's magnetic field.

  A solar storm not only affects aircraft but also is a _______(8) to the environment and humans. The aerosphere and magnetic field of the earth can_______(9) humans from ultraviolet radiation and X-rays. While most of the X-rays are absorbed after they enter the aerosphere (大气层), still a few can_______(10) the ground.

  The geomagnetic storm caused by this round of solar storm reaches its highest level on the two_______(11) of the earth, which affects electricity supply of North America. Overexposure to_______(12) threatens the health of passengers on planes flying over the Polar Regions. If we fly in the sky during such a solar storm, it_______(13) we receive ten times the X-ray radiation. It's really damaging.

  Scientists say a solar eruption is like the sun sneezing, which will make the earth_______(14) a cold. Though this natural force is irresistible, scientists can still_______(15) its movement accurately by monitoring. Facing successive solar storms, humans can't drop their guard

  1 A since B when C until D though

  2 A finds B adjusts C holds D takes

  3 A intensity B height C width D density

  4 A piece B part C round D set

  5 A star B earth C moon D sun

  6 A dominate B develop C damage D descend

  7 A safe B dangerous C comfortable D manageable

  8 A limit B cause C force D threat

  9 A separate B benefit C distinguish D protect

  10 A lose B reach C break D prepare

  11 A poles B mountains C rivers D lakes

  12 A light B storm C radiation D pressure

  13 A recommends B means C proposes D advises

  14 A turn B stop C become D catch

  15 A detect B start C experience D change



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