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2012-09-26 17:23 来源:职业培训教育网 打印 | 收藏 |

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  DVD for Rent

  1 A pay-for-play system for video DVD will emerge by summer as an alternative, and possibly a competitor, to the DVD format currently available.

  2 The new system, called Digital Video Express (Divx), operates like a DVD player, except for the specially coded discs. These will cost $5 for initial viewing over a 48-hour period and can be viewed again for additional fees and even purchased for unlimited viewing.

  3 Divx combines the service of a video rental (出租的) store with the operation of a pay-per-view "IV channel. Unlike a rented videotape, though, the Divx disc needn't be returned. Customers can retain the disc for replay in the future at an additional fee, or simply throw it away.

  4 Subsequent plays, or the purchase of unlimited-viewing rights, are billed to the customer's Divx account and charged to a credit card. The player's built-in memory keeps track of all Divx plays, and sends this information by toll-free phone modem (调制解调器) to the Divx record-keeping centre. Each Divx disc and player has a unique identification code, so the system knows which discs have been played and where.

  5 Some Divx discs could be converted for unlimited play at a price likely to be lower than buying a conventional DVD. Others, called Divx Gold, would be sold from the beginning for unlimited play without further charge. Although conventional DVDs will run in a Divx player, conventional DVD players will lack the decoding (解码) and communications ability to play Divx discs. Divx players will be offered by Panasonic, RCA, and Zenith.

  6 About 100 discs will be available initially from Disney, Dreamworks, Paramount, and Universal, growing to 500 titles within a year. Other film makers have yet to adopt the Divx system, which is owned by retailer Circuit City, the 350-store electronics chain that bankrolled (提供资金)its development.

  1 Paragraph 2__

  2 Paragraph 3__

  3 Paragraph 4__

  4 Paragraph 5__

  A Booming Business of Circuit City

  B Superior Quality of Conventional DVD Discs

  C The New System Called Divx

  D Unlimited Play of Divx Discs

  E Disc-play Tracking and Billing Systems

  F Two Functions Combined

  5 The Divx disc is different from the rented videotape in that once offered, the Divx disc__

  6 Every Divx disc has a special code so that the rental shop can identify which disc__

  7 If converted for unlimited use, the Divx disc__

  8 The conventional DVD player cannot play any Divx disc because the disc__

  A will not be taken back by the shop

  B is specially coded

  C is bankrolled by Panasonic, etc

  D is likely to be cheaper than the conventional DVD disc

  E has been played and where

  F is owned by retailer Circuit City

  【参考答案】1. C  2. F  3. E  4. D    5. A  6. E  7. D  8. B


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