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2013-03-15 16:52 来源:正保会计网校 打印 | 收藏 |

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pool watch

  swimmers can drown in busy swimming pools when lifeguards fail to notice that they are in trouble. a report says that on average 15 people drown in british pools each year, but many more suffer major injury after getting into difficulties. now a french company has developed an artificial intelligence system called poseidon that sounds the alarm when it sees someone in danger of drowning.

  when a swimmer sinks towards the bottom of the pool, the new system sends an alarm signal to a poolside monitoring station and a lifeguard's pager (呼机). in trials at a pool in ancenis, near nantes, it saved a life within just a few months, says alistair mcquade, a spokesman for its maker, poseidon technologies.

  poseidon keeps watch through a network of underwater and overhead video cameras. ai software analyses the images to work out swimmers' trajectories (轨迹). to do this reliably, it has to tell the difference between a swimmer and the shadow of someone being cast onto the bottom or side of the pool.

  it does the same with an image from another camera viewing the shape from a different angle. if the two projections are in the same position, the shape is identified as a shadow and is ignored. but if they are different, the shape is a swimmer and so the system follows its trajectory.

  to pick out potential drowning victims, anyone in the water who starts to descend slowly is added to the software's "pre-alert" (预先警戒) list, says mcquade. swimmers who then stay immobile on the pool bottom for 5 seconds or more are considered in danger of drowning. poseidon double-checks that the image really is of a swimmer, not a shadow, by seeing whether it obscures (使模糊) the pool's floor texture when viewed from overhead. if so, it alerts the lifeguard, showing the swimmer's location on a poolside screen.

  the first full-scale poseidon system will be officially opened next week at a pool in high wycombe, buckinghamshire. one man who is impressed with the idea is travor baylis, inventor of the clockwork (时钟装置) radio. baylis runs a company that installs swimming pools - and he was once an underwater escapologist (脱身杂技演员) with a circus (马戏团). "1 say full marks to them if this works and can save lives," he says.

  11 ai means the same as

  a an image.

  b an idea.

  c anything immobile.

  d artificial intelligence

  12 to save a life, ai software must be able to

  a descend in the water.

  b videotape every movement.

  c distinguish between a swimmer and a shadow

  d save a life within a few months.

  13 how does poseidon save a life?

  a it orders an underwater robot to rescue the drowning swimmer.

  b it alerts the lifeguard.

  c it displays the swimmer's shadow on the screen.

  d it watches the pool through dozens of overhead cameras.

  14 which of the following statements about travor baylis is not true?

  a he owns a swimming pool.

  b he invented the clockwork radio.

  c he was once an entertainer.

  d he runs a company.

  15 how does baylis look at the poseidon system?

  a he thinks it is too expensive.

  b he thinks it is a good system.

  c he thinks it is not efficient enough.

  d he thinks it is as good as the british pool watch system.

  参考答案:41.d  42.c  43.b  44.a  45.b

我要纠错】 责任编辑:糖
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