
财税实务 高薪就业 学历教育

安卓版本:8.7.71 苹果版本:8.7.71






来源: ACCA 编辑: 2010/08/06 14:59:53  字体:












  Registration can take place at any time,however if you wish to take part in specific paper-based exam sessions,the following deadlines apply:

  For the December exams

  Register by 15 August of the same year

  When you are ready to register with us as a student,even if you register online,you will still need to post information to ACCA in the UK,so it's really important to factor in the length of time it will take for your correspondence to arrive in the UK in order to meet our registration closing dates.

  Please note,we will need to receive your registration form and all supporting documentation by 15 August to entitle you to be eligible to sit your first exams in December;or 31 December to entitle you to be eligible to sit your first exams in June the following year.

  Please ensure ACCA in the UK receives your application by the above closing dates and remember to allow time for postal delivery. We advise you to check with your local postal delivery service in the first instance to find out about postal delivery times to the UK or view the postal delivery times listed below for guidance. The timings we show are indicative and for guidance purposes only in certain markets. ACCA cannot take responsibility for delays in the postal system.

  After you have registered with us,the quickest and simplest way to register for exams,pay your annual subscription and update your contact details is online through myACCAand we strongly recommend you complete any transactions you need to make with ACCA in this way.

  However,if you choose to communicate with us by postal correspondence,again please ensure you factor in postal delivery times so your documentation is received by ACCA in the UK by any closing dates published.

  View the postal delivery times by country.

  Register online

  The quickest way to register as a student with ACCA is by registering online. You will need to:

  complete our online Registration Form

  pay online by Visa,MasterCard,AMEX,Switch or Solo

  print out and complete the ACCA Declaration Sheet,and enclose it with appropriate supporting documentation (proof of qualifications - eg a copy of the official transcripts and completion certificates)

  return it to our office in your country. If your country is not listed,send the form to ACCA in the UK.

  You can register online now for one of the following qualifications:

  ACCA Qualification

  Certified Accounting Technician (CAT) Qualification

  Diploma in Financial Management

  You will be allocated a unique reference number by e-mail. Please keep a note of this reference number as you can use it to track your application on the web.

  Online registration tracking lounge

  Register by post

  You can also register as a student with ACCA by completing an application form and sending it to us. You will need to:

  request an information pack and registration form to be sent to you in the post. Use the online order form below, or telephone us on +44 (0)141 582 2000

  students who are either a resident or a national of a country where ACCA operates a Joint Examination Scheme agreement should contact their local joint scheme office for a paper based application form rather than requesting a paper based form via this online facility

  complete the form and prepare your appropriate supporting documentation (proof of qualifications - eg a copy of the official transcripts and completion certificates)

  return it to the ACCA office in your country. If your country is not listed,send the form to ACCA in the UK

  send payment - fee payments can be made by Visa,MasterCard,AMEX,Switch and Solo or Sterling cheques valid in the UK,Sterling bank drafts drawn on a UK bank,or crossed British Postal Orders. Charges arising from other methods of payment will need to be added to payment. e.g. Sterling cheques drawn by banks outside the UK.

  Order a registration pack

  Please include your full name,address and the scheme you wish to register for.

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