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2010-7-26 11:26  【 】【打印】【我要纠错



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  3. 增加IFRS考核内容

  由于IFRS涉及内容极广,相关考核内容请参考考试大纲,同时下面的部分sample questions也是非常好的参考资料

  1. Under IFRS, changes in accounting policies are

  A. Permitted if the change will result in a more reliable and more relevant presentation of the financial statements.

  B. Permitted if the entity encounters new transactions, events, or conditions that are substantively different from existing or previous transactions.

  C. Required on material transactions, if the entity had previously accounted for similar, though immaterial, transactions under an unacceptable accounting method.

  D. Required if an alternate accounting policy gives rise to a material change in assets, liabilities, or the current-year net income.

  2. Under IFRS, an entity that acquires an intangible asset may use the revaluation model for subsequent measurement only if

  A. The useful life of the intangible asset can be reliably determined.

  B. An active market exists for the intangible asset.

  C. The cost of the intangible asset can be measured reliably.

  D. The intangible asset is a monetary asset.

  3. Under IFRS, which of the following is a criterion that must be met in order for an item to be recognized as an intangible asset other than goodwill?

  A. The item’s fair value can be measured reliably.

  B. The item is part of the entity’s activities aimed at gaining new scientific or technical knowledge.

  C. The item is expected to be used in the production or supply of goods or services.

  D. The item is identifiable and lacks physical substance.

  4. An entity purchases a trademark and incurs the following costs in connection with the trademark:

  One-time trademark purchase price $100,000

  One-time trademark purchase price 5,000

  Nonrefundable VAT taxes 7,000

  Training sales personnel on the use of the new trademark 24,000

  Research expenditures associated with the purchase of the new trademark 10,500

  Salaries of the administrative personnel 12,000

  Applying IFRS and assuming that the trademark meets all of the applicable initial asset recognition criteria, the entity should recognize an asset in the amount of

  A. $100,000

  B. $115,500

  C. $146,500

  D. $158,500

  5. Under IFRS, when an entity chooses the revaluation model as its accounting policy for measuring property, plant and equipment, which of the following statements is correct?

  A. When an asset is revalued, the entire class of property, plant and equipment to which that asset belongs must be revalued.

  B. When an asset is revalued, individual assets within a class of property, plant and equipment to which that asset belongs can be revalued.

  C. Revaluations of property, plant and equipment must be made at least every three years.

  D. Increases in an asset’s carrying value as a result of the first revaluation must be recognized as a component of profit or loss.

  6. Upon first-time adoption of IFRS, an entity may elect to use fair value as deemed cost for

  A. Biological assets related to agricultural activity for which there is no active market.

  B. Intangible assets for which there is no active market.

  C. Any individual item of property, plant and equipment.

  D. Financial liabilities that are not held for trading.

  7. Under IFRS, which of the following is the first step within the hierarchy of guidance to which management refers, and whose applicability it considers, when selecting accounting policies?

  A. Consider the most recent pronouncements of other standard- setting bodies to the extent they do not conflict with the IFRS or the IASB Framework.

  B. Apply a standard from IFRS if it specifically relates to the transaction, other event, or condition.

  C. Consider the applicability of the definitions, recognition criteria, and measurement concepts in the IASB Framework.

  D. Apply the requirements in IFRS dealing with similar and related issues.

  8. On January 1, year 1, an entity acquires for $100,000 a new piece of machinery with an estimated useful life of 10 years. The machine has a drum that must be replaced every five years and costs $20,000 to replace. Continued operation of the machine requires an inspection every four years after purchase; the inspection cost is $8,000. The company uses the straight-line method of depreciation. Under IFRS, what is the depreciation expense for year 1?

  A. $10,000

  B. $10,800

  C. $12,000

  D. $13,200

  9. On July 1, year 2, a company decided to adopt IFRS. The company’s first IFRS reporting period is as of and for the year ended December 31, year 2. The company will present one year of comparative information. What is the company’s date of transition to IFRS?

  A. January 1, year 1.

  B. January 1, year 2.

  C. July 1, year 2.

  D. December 31, year 2.

  10. A company determined the following values for its inventory as of the end of its fiscal year:

  Historical cost $100,000

  Current replacement cost 70,000

  Net realizable value 90,000

  Net realizable value less a normal profit margin 85,000

  Fair value 95,000

  Under IFRS, what amount should the company report as inventory on its balance sheet?

  A. $70,000

  B. $85,000

  C. $90,000

  D. $95,000



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