Auditing and Attestation (AUD)
I,Auditing and Attestation:Engagement Acceptance and Understanding the Assignment (12%-16%)
II,Auditing and Attestation:Understanding the Entity and Its Enviroment (including the internal Control) (16%-20%)
III,Auditing and Attestation:Performing Audit Procedures and Evaluating Evidence (16%-20%)
IV,Auditing and Attestation:Evaluating Audit Findings, Commucications, and Reporting (16%-20%)
V,Accounting and Review Services Engagements (12%-16%)
VI, Professional Responsibilities (16%-20%)
Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR)
I, Conceptual Framework, Standards, Standard Setting,and Presentation of Financial Statements (17%-23%)
II, Financial Accounting and Reporting:Recognition, Measurement, Valuation, Calculation, Presentation, and Disclosures (27%-33%)
III, Specific Transactions, Events and Disclosures: Recognition, Measurement, Valuation, Calculation, Presentation, and Disclosures IV, Govenment Accounting and Reporting (8%-12%)
V, Not-for-Profit (Nongovenmental) Accounting and Reporting (8%-12%)
Regulation (REG)
I, Ethics, Professional, and Legal Responsibilities (15%-19%)
II, Business Law (17%-21%)
III, Federal Tax Pcocess, Procedures, Accounting, and Planning (11%-15%)
IV, Federal Taxation of Propetry Transactions (12%-16%)
V, Federal Taxation of Indiividuals (13%-19%)
VI, Federal Taxation of Entities (18%-24%)
Business Environment and Concepts (BEC)
I, Corparate Governance (16%-20%)
II, Economic Concepts and Analysis (16%-20%)
III, Financial Management (19%-23%)
IV, Information Systems and Communications (15%-19%)
V, Strategic Planning (10%-14%)
VI, Operations Management (12%-16%)
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