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山东如意集团收购日本Renown 41%股份(双语)

来源: FTCHINESE 编辑: 2010/05/28 09:24:49  字体:

  Renown, one of Japan's best-known clothes makers, is set to come under the control of a Chinese textile maker in what would be the biggest investment by a Chinese investor in a public Japanese company.


  The investment by Shandong Ruyi, one of China's leading makers of high-quality cotton and wool, highlights Chinese manufacturers' move up the value chain to acquire well-known brands.

  山东如意集团(Shandong Ruyi)的这笔投资突显出,中国制造商正通过收购知名品牌来向价值链上游攀升。如意集团是中国领先的高品质棉纺和毛纺生产商之一。

  Ruyi will pay about Y4bn ($44m) for a 41 per cent stake in Renown, which runs brands such as D'Urban and Anya Hindmarch, although the deal is subject to approval by the Japanese group's shareholders.

  如意集团将出资约40亿日元(合4400万美元),收购Renown 41%的股份,但该交易仍有待Renown股东的批准。Renown运营着“D'Urban”和“安雅•希德玛芝”(Anya Hindmarch)等品牌。

  The investment is one of a small but growing number of Chinese investments in Japanese technologies and brands. Last year, Suning Appliances paid about Y800m for a 27 per cent stake in Laox, a well-known consumer electronics retailer.

  中国对日本技术和品牌的投资不多,但数量正在增长,上述这笔投资正是其中之一。去年,苏宁电器(Suning Appliances)出资约8亿日元收购了Laox 27%的股份。Laox是日本一家知名的家电零售商。

  In the first three months of this year there have been nine investments in Japan by Chinese investors, including two by investors based in Hong Kong, according to data compiled by Recof Data, which provides M&A information.

  并购信息提供商Recof Data汇集的数据显示,今年第一季度,中国投资者在日本进行了9笔投资,其中包括总部位于香港的投资者进行的两笔投资。

  While small, the number represents 27 per cent of all foreign mergers and acquisitions in Japan in that period, Recof said.

  Recof Data表示,尽管这个数字不大,但它占一季度外国投资者在日本并购交易总数的27%。

  Qiu Yafu, Ruyi's chairman, said the Chinese company had been looking for a company that has famous brands, networks and management expertise.


  “D'Urban already has several stores in China, is well-known among high earners and is very popular. We have chosen about seven brands that Renown owns [to build up in China],” he said.


  Minoru Kitabatake, Renown's president, said the tie-up would allow the struggling 100-year-old Japanese group to boost its capital and expand overseas, particularly in fast-growing China, as well as reduce its cost base.

  Renown社长北畑稔(Minoru Kitabatake)表示,此次结盟将使这家处境艰难的日本百年老店能够充实自身资本、降低成本基础并在海外市场扩张,尤其是在快速增长的中国市场。

我要纠错】 责任编辑:vivien



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