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来源: FTCHINESE 编辑: 2010/10/28 16:40:20  字体:

  Leaders from the G20 group of leading economies will next month seek to agree specific guidelines on reducing global trade imbalances, in a fresh attempt to head off a potential “currency war”.


  Finance ministers and central bank governors, meeting this weekend in the South Korean city of Gyeongju, agreed on a policy framework to contain large current account surpluses and deficits, but a proposal to set specific targets ran into opposition.


  The meeting also announced significant progress in reforming the International Monetary Fund, shifting power away from Europe and towards emerging nations like China and Brazil.


  Analyst reaction was muted. Eswar Prasad, a former IMF official now at Cornell University in the US, said a previous attempt to impose tougher IMF surveillance of current account imbalances had achieved little while the threat of such monitoring was unlikely to trigger policy changes in countries with large surpluses and deficits.

  分析人士的反应比较温和。国际货币基金组织( IMF)前官员、美国康奈尔大学(Cornell University)教授埃斯瓦•普拉萨德(Eswar Prasad)表示,以前一项由IMF对经常账户失衡实施更严格监督的尝试,几乎一无所获;而威胁进行这样的监督,不太可能推动存在巨额盈余或赤字的国家改变政策。

  Todd Elmer, of Citigroup, said: “The meeting produced little pressure for the US to back away from its accommodative stance which has fuelled dollar depreciation, it does not call more strongly for increased flexibility in Asia and it appears to leave an out for some countries, like Japan, to pursue intervention or capital controls.”

  花旗集团(Citigroup)的托德•埃尔默(Todd Elmer)表示:“这次会议几乎没有对美国施加任何压力,要求其逆转迄今推动美元贬值的宽松政策立场,也没有更强烈地呼吁亚洲提高灵活性,而且似乎让某些国家(如日本)放手进行干预或资本管制。”

  The US, which has been pushing China to allow its currency to rise and reduce its huge trade surplus, claimed victory. Tim Geithner, Treasury secretary, said after the meeting: “The most important thing we achieved is agreement on a framework for curbing excess trade imbalances in the future.”

  一直在推动中国让人民币升值、并减少其巨额贸易盈余的美国宣称获胜。美国财长蒂姆•盖特纳(Tim Geithner)在会后表示:“我们实现的最重要成就是,各方就一个框架在未来遏制过度贸易失衡的框架达成了一致意见。”

  But the statement issued by the ministers left unclear how the imbalances would be reduced. The communiqué also issued a clear warning to the US that loose monetary policy could continue to push volatile capital flows into emerging economies.


  European nations agreed to surrender two of their seats on the IMF’s 24-member executive board to make way for emerging nations, who will also receive a greater share of “quotas”, which determine voting power. But the exact decisions on reorganising quotas was deferred until 2012.


  Christine Lagarde, France’s finance minister, agreed the shift to combating imbalances would offer a sense of purpose to the French presidency of the G20 next year. The US and South Korea had also sought to forge consensus on a numerical target for surpluses and deficits at this weekend’s meeting, suggesting a cap of 4 per cent of gross domestic product. But the idea of a specific target ran into stern opposition from Germany, Brazil and Japan.

  法国财政部长克里斯蒂娜•拉加德(Christine Lagarde)同意,向抗击失衡转移,将给明年法国出任G20轮值主席国带来一种目的感。美国和韩国在周末会议上还曾寻求就一个量化的盈余或赤字目标凝聚共识,提出上限宜定在国内生产总值(GDP)的4%。但设定具体目标的想法遭到德国、巴西和日本的强烈反对。

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