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来源: 互联网 编辑: 2011/04/22 09:22:27  字体:

  Goldman Sachs, the investment bank, began courting the Agricultural Bank of China five years ago in the hope of winning the mandate to help the large state bank go public last July, bringing over senior executives from New York and Hong Kong to woo AgBank officials.

  投资银行高盛(Goldman Sachs)为了在中国农业银行(Agricultural Bank of China)去年7月上市时赢得承销商授权,五年前就开始对农行展开追逐,常驻纽约和香港的高管纷纷赶来与农行官员接触。

  “How much does it cost to bring [Goldman Sachs chief executive] Lloyd Blankfein to Beijing?” asks the head of one of the bank’s competitors rhetorically. “That is why you can never quantify the fees versus the costs of doing business in China. So much goes into winning deals that you are never reimbursed for. You can’t be too granular about the costs versus the benefits.”

  “把(高盛CEO)劳尔德?贝兰克梵(Lloyd Blankfein)请到北京得花多少钱呀?”一家竞争对手的负责人设问。“所以说,在中国做生意的佣金与成本都是不能量化的。要想赢得生意就要作出很多不可能收回的投入,对于成本与收益不能计较得太细致。”

  Chinese equity fees now account for up to 40-50 per cent of all Asia-Pacific fees. But a growing list of banks competing for the business, Chinese leverage in browbeating banks to cut their prices, and the expense of recruiting and keeping China bankers mean that the profitability of doing business there will remain under pressure.


  “Fees are never as good as they are in Europe or the US,” says the head of mergers and acquisitions for one international bank in Hong Kong.


  Certainly, the data providers offer a positive picture. “China market fees are growing rapidly,” notes Thomson Reuters. “They have increased to 7 per cent of the global fee pool in 2010, up from 1 per cent in 2005. Total market fees were $5.8bn.”

  当然,数据提供商展现的图景颇为积极。“中国市场的佣金快速增长,”汤森路透(Thomson Reuters)称。“占全球佣金总额的比例已从2005年的1%,提高至2010年的7%。市场佣金总额58亿美元。”

  However, those fees are being swallowed up by an ever-growing list of banks. While consolidation is the big theme in the financial markets of New York and London, in China the number of banks competing for a role especially in capital markets deals grows ever larger and the competition more intense.


  That is true both internationally and locally, and more and more of those fees are going to China. Indeed, the country’s banks last year received 66 per cent of the total fees, while 13 of the top 20 banks doing business in the country today are Chinese, according to Thomson Reuters. Some, such as CICC, are experienced players. But others, such as the securities arms of the banks, get deals because of their more powerful parents.


  Thus among those whose names appeared in the underwriting group for Agricultural Bank of China’s global offer was (of course) ABC International, the securities arm of AgBank, while ICBC International was part of the AIA Group listing. Unsurprisingly, the fees for AIA, the insurer, were far more lucrative than for AgBank, bankers add, precisely because of Chinese browbeating on fees.

  因此,农行的证券业务部门——农银国际(ABC International)的名字当然就出现在农银全球IPO的承销团当中,而工银国际(ICBC International)参与了友邦保险(AIA Group)的上市。并不意外的是,据银行家们介绍,友邦保险的佣金远比农行更为丰厚,原因正是中国压低佣金。

  Moreover, the cost of the country’s bankers remains high, and competition for the best is intense. In the US, an experienced mergers banker has 20 years of experience, compared with about five years in China. But private equity and the growing number of banks doing business in China are all competing for the best talent, leading to the phenomenon of “serial traders” who constantly auction themselves off to the highest bidder.


  This year, the volume of capital raising continues to be strong. Core investment banking revenues in China climbed to almost $1bn for the year to mid-March, which is the highest to date, with two-thirds of that coming from equity capital markets activity.


  But bankers say that to generalise about deal fees remains perilous. The entire structure is opaque and the data are often unreliable. Neither the bankers who win the mandates nor their clients disclose the fees, while both those involved and those who lost out have a vested interest in distorting the true figure. Many denounce competitors for allegedly slashing fees, although when a deal is deemed strategic, virtually every firm will reduce the rate.


  In any case, fees for equity raisings are far more lucrative for the numerous Chinese bankers who have been recruited and cosseted by the big international banks in Hong Kong, Shanghai and Beijing than fees for M&A. Indeed, one banker estimates that if the Chinese bankers were forced to live by M&A fees alone, they would all shrink their teams by 75 per cent.


  Chinese cross-border acquisitions are also up this year, although the deals still lag behind 2008, the record year. But while China-related merger deals increase every year, arguably the glass remains more half empty than half full.


  “If you have a company to sell and a potential Chinese buyer, it doesn’t always work,” says the head of M&A for one big US bank in Hong Kong. “It is disappointing how often the Chinese don’t deliver.”


  Perhaps the most striking thing about M&A in China is how many deals that are expected to happen ultimately do not take place, making the process frustrating and the pay-out at the end questionable.


  Take Bright Food, an ambitious Chinese conglomerate whose name has been linked with GNC, the US vitamin and nutritional food maker, the UK’s United Biscuits and most recently Yoplait, the yoghurt maker jointly owned by France’s PAI and a French co-operative. While the fate of this last potential deal has not yet been resolved, the two former flirtations never led to marriage, leaving many bankers to conclude that this is a nation whose companies “are not ready for prime time”, as one China lawyer notes.

  以光明食品(Bright Food)为例。这家雄心远大的中国企业集团曾与多家外国公司有过并购传闻,包括美国维生素和营养品制造商GNC、英国联合饼干公司(United Biscuits),以及最近的法国酸奶制造商Yoplait。Yoplait由法国PAI和一家法国农业合作社共同拥有。虽然这最后一笔潜在交易的命运还没有确定,但前两次试探都未能修成正果。按一位中国律师的说法,这让许多银行家得出结论认为,中国企业“还没有为黄金时间做好准备”。

  The GNC deal made a lot of sense for Bright Food, given Chinese people’s predilection for health foods and herbs. Ultimately, though, it fell apart on disagreements including pricing and funding uncertainties, according to people familiar with the matter. But from the beginning it was never clear whether the deal had the support of Beijing, which is often essential.


  Meanwhile, Bright Food’s interest in United Biscuits made little sense, according to bankers.


  “They were considered the preferred bidders on United Biscuits but it was hard to figure out why they wanted it, apart from ego,” says one banker. “It wasn’t clear why they wanted to buy a European brand and operations with nothing in Asia. It wasn’t clear how they would manage it and whether it would even appeal to the Chinese.”


  Resistance to paying fees continues to remain strong. “It is only when bankers create a deal or when a deal is outside their comfort zone that they will pay,” says one Hong Kong-based lawyer.


  International bankers spend much of their time trying to train their Chinese clients to understand the difference between what is value-added advice and what is not. But it is not clear whether the foreign bankers will be the ultimate beneficiaries or if their Chinese counterparts will reap the rewards.


我要纠错】 责任编辑:梓墨



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