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来源: 互联网 编辑: 2011/04/22 11:29:20  字体:


  During much of the past couple decades, American companies, efforts to shift their production to low-cost locales--China in particular--have helped keep a lid on inflation in the U.S.

  That benefit may now be reversing itself. 中国吸引全球制造业的一些有利条件正在丧失。在美国官员的压力下,中国正逐渐允许汇率低得出名的人民币兑美元升值。与此同时,中国工人的工资也在以每年高达30%的幅度提高。

  Some of the advantages that made China a magnet for global manufacturing are fading. Under pressure from U.S. officials, China is gradually allowing its famously cheap currency to rise against the dollar. At the same time, Chinese workers' wages are increasing at an annual rate of as much as 30%.

  上述变化在美国产生的一个影响就是,据美国劳工部(Labor Department)说,今年1至3月,中国输美商品的平均价格折合成年率的升幅为5.2%,这是2008年8月以来的最快升速。

  In one sign of the effect of those changes in the U.S., the average price of goods imported from China rose at an annualized rate of 5.2% in the three months through March, according to the Labor Department. That's the fastest pace since August 2008.


  The changing role of China in the U.S. economy offers reason to reconsider the way inflation might arise in the current global recovery. In the traditional view, a country's prices get out of control when people start demanding raises to offset rising consumer prices, creating an inflationary spiral in which wages and prices reinforce one another. Such a spiral is, so far, unlikely in the U.S., where high unemployment is undermining workers' bargaining power.


  But in a global economy, could rising wages in China--spurred on in part by global demand for Chinese-made goods--help get the spiral going in the U.S. and elsewhere?

  可以看看美国雷克兰工业公司(Lakeland Industries Inc.)首席执行长赖安(Christopher Ryan)的说法。这家公司生产从军用到半导体生产等诸多领域所需的防护设备。赖安最近将该公司在美国市场所售产品的价格上调了5%,因为过去一年中雷克兰公司的成本也上升了5%,而过去几年中这些产品的价格几乎没有变动过。成本上升主要是因为大宗商品价格的飙升,但赖安说成本上升约有20%要归因于中国工人的工资和福利不断提高。雷克兰公司目前约一半的生产业务在中国进行。

  Consider the case of Christopher Ryan, chief executive at Lakeland Industries Inc. (LAKE) , which manufactures protective gear for purposes ranging from firefighting to semiconductor production. He recently raised his prices in the U.S. by 5%, after holding them flat for most of the last few years, because his costs have risen by the same amount in the past year. Most of the cost increase reflects soaring commodity prices, but he attributes about a fifth of it to rising wages and benefits in China, where his company does about half its manufacturing.


  "Obviously the increase in labor prices in China is increasing our prices in the United States," he says.


  To be sure, imports make up a relatively small share of U.S. consumption. The effect could be greater in more trade-dependent economies such as Canada.


  Also, companies will most likely find another place to manufacture cheaply. But that could take a while. Ryan estimates that if the cost of manufacturing in China keeps rising at the same rate, Mexico will become competitive again as a manufacturing base in two or three years.


  In the meantime, the China price could create some problems for trading partners who have come to rely on the country for much of their supply of consumer and other goods.

我要纠错】 责任编辑:梓墨



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