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来源: 互联网 编辑: 2011/07/04 16:06:16  字体:

  Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has told President Barack Obama that he is considering stepping down soon after policy makers agree to raise the government's borrowing limit, a person familiar with the matter said.

  知情人士说,美国财政部长盖特纳(Timothy Geithner)已对总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)说,自己考虑在国会就提高美国政府债务上限达成一致后不久辞职。

  No decision has been made and Mr. Obama could ask Mr. Geithner to stay. But Mr. Geithner's family is moving to New York from Washington in coming months and he is expected to join them, and he has mused publicly and privately in recent weeks about leaving Treasury.


  He said Thursday that he is "going to be commuting for awhile (from New York to Washington), but I'm going to be doing this for the foreseeable future."

  Zuma Press盖特纳盖特纳周四说,自己将在家和工作地(即纽约和华盛顿)之间往返一段时间,但这只会发生在可预见的将来。

  Mr. Geithner, 49 years old, is one of Mr. Obama's closest advisers and played a central role in all of the White House's biggest economic initiatives, including managing the financial crisis, passing the stimulus bill, overhauling financial regulation, and most recently pushing to increase the debt ceiling.


  Mr. Geithner has met repeatedly with lawmakers and other administration officials as they work to craft a deficit-reduction package that he hopes will clear the way for Congress to raise the $14.29 trillion debt ceiling by Aug. 2.


  If the debt limit is raised by then, Mr. Geithner could see it as a bookend to his time in the administration. Still, the White House's economic decisions─which he largely helped design─will be debated for years and have already formed the foundation of the 2012 presidential campaign for both parties.


  Mr. Geithner's mullings were reported earlier by Bloomberg News.

  彭博新闻(Bloomberg News)之前对盖特纳的辞职想法进行了报导。

  The Treasury secretary has outlasted the rest of Mr. Obama's top economic team. Austan Goolsbee, chairman of the president's Council of Economic Advisers, recently announced plans to leave by the end of August to return to his job as a professor at the University of Chicago. Also gone are Larry Summers, the first director of the National Economic Council; Christina Romer, who was Mr. Goolsbee's predecessor; Peter Orszag, the administration's first budget chief and Jared Bernstein, who served as top economic adviser to Vice President Joseph Biden.

  盖特纳的在职时间超过其核心经济团队中的其他人。奥巴马经济顾问委员会(Council of Economic Advisers)主席古尔斯比(Austan Goolsbee)前不久宣布,打算在8月底之前辞职,重新担任芝加哥大学(University of Chicago)教授一职。其他已经辞职的人包括国家经济委员会(National Economic Council)主任萨默斯(Larry Summers)、古尔斯比的前任罗默(Christina Romer)、白宫预算主管奥斯泽格(Peter Orszag)以及曾担任美国副总统拜登(Joseph Biden)高级经济顾问的伯恩斯坦(Jared Bernstein)等。

  If Mr. Geithner leaves soon, it will be on the eve of the 2012 presidential and congressional elections, which will be focused largely on the economy, federal budget deficit and government spending.


  The Treasury secretary is credited within the administration for leading the response to the financial crisis in 2009, but stubbornly high unemployment rates, persistent problems in the housing market and slow economic growth have dogged his tenure. Despite support within the White House, he never forged major alliances on Capitol Hill, which has left him open to criticism from Democrats and Republicans.


  Mr. Geithner has a narrow window of time to make his decision, because if the White House wants to get a successor confirmed, it have to be done soon before Washington grinds to a halt before the 2012 presidential elections.


  In January 2009, Mr. Geithner was narrowly confirmed by the Senate, in part because of personal tax issues, but he soon took a lead role in shaping the White House's economic policies. and earned Mr. Obama's trust.


  Mr. Geithner spearheaded the administration's response to the financial crisis in early 2009, fought to push the Dodd-Frank financial overhaul bill into law in 2009 and 2010, and has spent months urging Congress to raise the federal debt ceiling by Aug. 2 to avoid a default on the country's debt.


  The 49-year-old Treasury secretary is known for his private proclivity for profanity and an ability to pivot seamlessly from discussing U.S. manufacturing to the Chinese currency.


  "He's one of the ablest public servants I have ever known," former President Bill Clinton said Thursday.

  美国前总统克林顿(Bill Clinton)周四说,盖特纳是我所知道的最能干的公务员之一。

  Mr. Geithner is one of President Barack Obama's closest advisers and has outlasted the rest of his top economic team. But his support within the White House didn't translate into alliances on Capitol Hill. He often was pummeled at congressional hearings as frustration mounted about the country's fragile economic footing, but appeared to mostly shrug off the barbs and absorb them as part of his job.


  He has faced sporadic calls for his resignation from corners of both parties. But the flack never seemed to derailMr. Geithner,and he has moved aggressively, often with vacancies throughout his department, to tackle numerous economic issues and crises, both domestic and global in nature. He threw his weight behind the financial overhaul effort, pushed European leaders to act more swiftly to tackle their debt crisis, and led the international pressure on China to allow its currency to appreciate in value.


  In recent weeks Mr. Geithner began to signaled more stronglythat he was thinking of stepping down. When asked in New York last month how long he plans to stay at Treasury, he raised many eyebrows when he said "It's an excellent thoughtful question. I'm thinking about it a lot these days."


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