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来源: 互联网 编辑: 2011/07/26 16:12:36  字体:

  Much attention has centred on the ballooning debts owed by local governments in China to state banks. Less noticed, though, is the surge in defaults among a vast network of unregulated underground banks in recent months, a development that threatens to further crimp credit supplies to the private sector.


  According to research over several months by FT China Confidential, non-performing loans at 50 underground banks surveyed in seven provinces have been climbing steadily since early 2011. In April, May and June, the proportion of underground banks reporting a rise in bad loans from the previous month were 22 per cent, 19 per cent and 15 per cent, respectively – representing clearly elevated levels from the near zero increases registered in the first two months of the year.

  《中国投资参考》(FT China Confidential)历时数月,在7个省份对50家左右的地下钱庄进行了调查,发现越来越多的钱庄声称坏账有所增多。在4月、5月和6月,表示坏账较上月增多的地下钱庄所占比例分别为22%、19%和15%,而今年头两个月增长接近于零。

  Underground banks inhabit the twilight of China’s financial system. Though unregulated and often unregistered, they regularly advertise for clients and depositors in local city newspapers. A couple of years ago, such adverts would typically be small, somewhat furtive notices offering “quick funds” next to a single mobile phone number.


  Since then, however, they have come a long way. The adverts in local city newspapers are now larger and bolder, with the mobile phone number often replaced by the name of an institution in large coloured print. “Easy Heaven Investments”, “Profits Quick”, “Treasure Beautiful Gold Credit Company” were three such names on a page full of underground bank adverts near the back of a recent edition of the Qingdao Metropolitan, a newspaper in the east coast city of Qingdao.


  Because underground banks do not publish any financial numbers, the size of the sector is hard to estimate. However, China Confidential estimates that total lending from underground banks in 2010 ran to a few trillion renminbi, making the sector a vital source of credit to privately-owned SMEs (small and medium enterprises), which find it difficult to borrow from the state-dominated formal banking sector.


  The spike in bad debts has come as many private enterprises have been hard hit by rising costs of labour, power, property rent, land rent, water, transports and several other key business inputs. In an effort to curb such inflation, Beijing has raised formal bank interest rates five times since October 2010 and increased the amount of funds that banks must hold on reserve at the central bank on numerous occasions.


  However, such moves have served to accentuate the credit squeeze felt by private enterprises, and underground banks have hiked lending rates accordingly. In Zhejiang Province, known for its vibrant private sector, underground money shops are charging 6 per cent to 8 percent a month (84 per cent to 104 per cent a year) for loans with valid collateral such as housing or blue chip stocks, and up to 15 per cent a month for loans without collateral. In contrast, the benchmark lending rate from formal banks is 6.56 per cent a year.


  The sharp increase in credit costs to private enterprises have hit profit margins, with manufacturers in Guangdong province, an export powerhouse dominated by private companies, reporting only a 10.4 percent increase in profit in the first quarter of this year, down from a 36.5 per cent rise in the same period a year earlier.


  The problem is made worse by manufacturers’ deteriorating cash flow that puts their survival at risk. Rather than allowing credit sales, upstream suppliers are asking for one-time cash payments before shipping goods out. In the mean time, factories are spending several months longer getting paid by downstream clients who are facing a buildup of unsold inventory.


  This combined has raised red flags for underground banks. The number of litigations regarding underground lending default jumped 22 percent in Wenzhou, one of China’s most capitalist cities, in the first five months of this year compared to the same period a year earlier, according to a local court. Although most borrowers could still make ends meet, the few who fail are often a victim of exorbitant borrowing costs.


  Deer Electronics, a refrigerator maker in the eastern Jiaxing City, filed in April for bankruptcy after defaulting on an Rmb70m loan from underground lenders that was agreed at 7 percent interest a month.

  嘉兴市冰箱厂商德尔电器(Deer Electronics)因拖欠地下钱庄一笔月息7%的7000万元人民币贷款,已于4月申请破产。

  But in spite of the increase in bankruptcies and distressed borrowers, depositors remain eager to park their funds with underground banks because of the lucrative interest rates offered and the fact that formal state banks savers are currently earning sharply negative real returns. To manage funds for wealthy clients, a money broker in Zhejiang Province said he had to promise more than 20 per cent in annual interest, or around 6 times the benchmark deposit rate.


  It is likely that the stress evident in the underground banking sector could mount in coming months. Lenders in Hangzhou, an eastern city, voiced concerns about loans to property developers and small exporters after some of them invested borrowed funds in stock futures to earn a quick buck.


  The best way to keep private lenders from blowing up, said He Zhicheng of the Agricultural Bank of China in an article, is to lift interest rate controls so formal banks could price the cost of capital according to market risks. But to do so would require “a big raise in lending rates to state firms”, which may also cause non-performing loans to jump.

  中国农业银行(Agricultural Bank of China)的何志成撰文表示,“打击高利贷市场的最好方法是”取消利率管制,使正规银行能够按照市场风险的高低对资金成本进行定价。但这样做的前提必然是“大幅度提高国有企业的贷款利率”,而这也可能导致大面积坏账。

  “This is a big paradox,” wrote He.


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