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来源: 互联网 编辑: 2011/08/04 16:59:21  字体:

  Even arguably the world's most powerful man seems unable to dampen gold's shine. Reuters

  美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)可以说是世界上最有权力的人,但他似乎也无法掩盖黄金的光芒。

  U.S. President Barack Obama said Sunday that the country's sparring political parties have reached a tentative deal to raise the country's debt ceiling, cut the federal deficit and avoid a credit default. The news has taken the wind out of gold's sails, pushing prices some $25 a troy ounce down from their recent high, but the market's longer-term prospects don't appear to be significantly dented.


  Gold has been widely viewed as a safe place to put money as an alternative to U.S. Treasuries and the dollar, which have suffered as the potential for systemic financial risk has increased. The market peaked at an all-time high of $1,632.74/oz Friday, aided by deteriorating confidence in the U.S. dollar and a euro zone ricocheting from one economic disaster to another.


  A large number of investors are holding long positions in gold, heightening the potential for a sizeable selloff if both chambers of Congress vote to accept the deal.


  But there are enough rumblings of negativity, particularly around the outlook for the dollar, to keep gold's appeal as a safe bet intact.


  "On Aug. 1, the U.S. dollar officially lost its place as the world's safe currency as a store of value,' said Tom Winnifrith, a fund manager at t1ps Investment Management. 'In the absence of an alternative, the only currency whose value is not being systematically destroyed by politicians remains gold, and if you think recent increases in the gold price were startling, you ain't seen nothing yet."

  投资管理公司t1ps Investment Management基金经理温尼弗里思(Tom Winnifrith)说,8月1日,美元正式失去它作为世界安全储值货币的地位;在缺乏替代品的情况下,唯一一个没有被政治家系统性地毁掉价值的货币依旧是黄金,而如果你觉得近期金价的上涨让人吃惊,好戏还在后头。

  Winnifrith is tipping gold to reach $2,100/oz before the next U.S. presidential election in 2012.


  Although others argue the dollar has already fallen in anticipation of a U.S. default or downgrade, and that major holders--like China--won't rush for the exit, they concede that the fallout will be felt for years to come, adding to gold's allure.


  The passage of the proposed debt deal isn't a done deal. Its fate may be assured in the Senate, but Republican representatives are likely to give the bill a tougher ride. Both houses need to accept the proposal for it to become law. Even if agreement is quickly reached by Congress, the reaction of the ratings agencies poses a larger question mark.


  Under the proposed deal, the debt ceiling will be raised to $17.7 trillion from $14.3 trillion and in return the government will make plans to cut spending by $1 trillion over the next decade and charge a special committee with finding a further $1.5 trillion savings over the same period. But this won't be enough for some agencies, which deem cuts of $4 trillion necessary for the U.S. to maintain its AAA rating.


  Nigel Sillis, Director of Research, Fixed Income & Currency at Baring Asset Management, said the question has become not if the U.S. will be downgraded, but when. All this spells good news for gold.

  资产管理公司霸菱资产管理有限公司(Baring Asset Management)固定收益与外汇部研究总监西利斯(Nigel Sillis)说,问题已经不是美国会不会被下调评级,而是何时被下调。对于黄金来说,这一切都是利好消息。

  'The possibility of additional quantitative easing in the U.S. and the likelihood that real interest rates will remain negative for some time--at least until 2013--reinforce the attractiveness of gold to investors,' said Caroline Bain, economist with the Economist Intelligence Unit.

  《经济学人》信息部(Economist Intelligence Unit)经济学家贝恩(Caroline Bain)说,美国采取新一轮量化宽松措施的可能性,以及一段时间内(至少在2013年之前)实际利率继续为负的可能性,强化了黄金对于投资者的吸引力。

  The debt saga is undoubtedly set to see a few more twists and turns to come. But it's critical that the markets don't lose sight of why the situation in the U.S. occurred in the first place.


  'The global financial crisis has simply been transferred from banks to governments, and even the U.S. cannot escape the need for many years of fiscal austerity,' said Julian Jessop, chief international economist at Capital Economics.

  研究公司Capital Economics首席国际经济学家杰瑟普(Julian Jessop)说,很简单,全球金融危机已经从银行转移到政府,即使美国也逃不掉多年紧缩财政的必要性。

  With U.S. gross domestic product growth on track to disappoint, as last week's second quarter data showed, equities will struggle to gain ground and Treasury yields will stay low--all of which cushion gold's downside at the very least, and provides plenty of reasons for its ascent at best.


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