Was this the year that Americans finally turned westward? The German Marshall Fund's annual survey of public opinion in the U.S. and Europe, an important indicator of general political attitudes on both sides of the Atlantic, suggests it may be. For the first time, it suggests, more than half of Americans view Asia as more critical to the U.S. than they do Europe.
今年会不会是美国人终于注目西边的一年?德国马歇尔基金会(German Marshall Fund)在美欧的年度民意调查显示,可能是这样的。该调查是美欧整体政治态度的一个重要指标。调查表明,首次有超过一半的美国人认为亚洲对美国比欧洲更为重要。
Now ten years old, the survey has charted the decline and rise of the popularity of the U.S. in Europe throughout the Bush and Obama presidencies.
History is now pivoting toward Asia, a fact captured neatly by this year's Transatlantic Trends. For the first time ever, over half of Americans, 51%, surveyed say China, Japan and other Asian countries are "more important to their country's national interests" than are EU members (38%). As recently as 2004, that number was 54%-29% in favour of Europe.
如今历史转向了亚洲,今年的“跨大西洋趋势”(Transatlantic Trends)民意调查捕捉到了这个事实。有史以来第一次,接受调查的美国人中有一半以上(51%)认为中国、日本和其他亚洲国家对美国国家利益的重要性大于欧盟国家(持相反观点的受调查者占38%)。就在2004年,倾向于欧洲的受调查者还高达54%,而倾向于亚洲的比例仅为29%。
Craig Kennedy, the president of the GMF, calls 2011 'a watershed moment when the United States look west to the Far East as its first instinct.' Mr. Kennedy's conclusion: "This is a moment when Transatlantic leaders need to step up and lead."
德国马歇尔基金会总裁克雷格•肯尼迪(Craig Kennedy)说,2011年是个分水岭,美国本能的第一反应是关注的远东地区。肯尼迪得出的结论是,此时此刻,大西洋两岸的领导人需要加快行动、展现领导力。
There were differences between Europeans and Americans on how they view China, with the former more likely to view China as an economic opportunity, and the latter as a military threat.
This U.S. president is as popular as he's ever been in Europe. Three-quarters of Europeans approved of President Barack Obama's international policies, although they gave their own governments an approval rating of only 54%.
Europeans should maybe complain less. A higher percentage of Americans, 82%, said they had been affected by the economic crisis than Europeans, at 61%.
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