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来源: 互联网 编辑: 2011/10/27 13:42:08  字体:













  When Dave McClure, a venture capital investor from Silicon Valley, spoke at an internet entrepreneurs’ club in China last week, he had a lot of praise for his hosts.

  上周,硅谷风险投资家戴夫?麦克卢尔(Dave McClure)在中国的一个互联网创业者俱乐部上发言时,对东道主大加赞誉。

  “Chinese entrepreneurs are most likely smarter and more aggressive than [those] in the US,” he told the audience. “Beijing is one of the few places in the world where the pace of innovation is faster than in Silicon Valley.”


  But in China, the recent mood has been more sober. The death of Apple founder Steve Jobs this month triggered rounds of soul-searching over why the country lacks technology entrepreneurs as successful as Mr Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, who came up with products that changed the world.

  但在中国,近期的舆论却比以往更为清醒。苹果(Apple)创始人史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)本月去世,激起了中国人一轮又一轮的自我反省:乔布斯和Facebook的马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)用其产品改变了世界,为什么中国缺少像这两人这么成功的技术型创业者?

  “Chinese companies can be expected to have market valuations and business models like Apple’s within ten years but it is difficult to expect any type of Apple-like innovation,” says Lee Kaifu, the former head of Google China who, with his incubator Innovation Works, has become a guru for internet start-ups in China.

  前谷歌中国(Google China)总裁李开复表示:“中国十年内可能会出现市场估值和商业模式与苹果相当的公司,但很难出现像苹果那种类型的创新。”凭借其创立的孵化器——创新工场(Innovation Works),李开复已成为中国互联网初创企业的导师。

  Although the number of Chinese internet users – now at 500m – has overtaken the population of the European Union and that growth keeps hatching new internet ventures everyday, most of these copy ideas from the US.


  To name the best-known examples, Baidu, China’s largest search engine by revenue, is a copy of Google, while RenRen, China’s largest real-name social network, was modelled on Facebook. China is estimated to have as many as 5,000 clones of Groupon, the US daily deals site.


  That is not because the founders lack creativity, they themselves argue. “The reason you set up a business is that you want to solve a certain problem or need you see around you,” says Gong Yu, a veteran internet entrepreneur and chief executive of Qiyi, the internet video site owned by Baidu.


  “But China’s internet is just so many years behind that of the US, so internet entrepreneurs in the US will inevitably encounter many problems and needs first.”


  Many Chinese web business founders agree. “It’s not about being smart but about being there first, just like gathering mushrooms,” says Wang Xing, founder and chief executive of Meituan, one of China’s first Groupon copies and the country’s most prolific internet business closer.


  Mr Wang has been billed “the Mark Zuckerberg of China”, mainly because he followed Facebook, founded in 2004, with what is now RenRen, a similar site launched in 2005 as Xiaonei, or On Campus. Less than a year later, he sold that business for less than $4m to Oak Pacific Interactive, the company which took it public this year. RenRen is now valued at $2.25bn.

  王兴被宣传为“中国的马克·扎克伯格”,主要原因是他以创立于2004年的Facebook为蓝本,在2005年成立了类似的网站校内网(Xiaonei)。成立还不到一年,王兴就把校内网卖给了千橡互动(Oak Pacific Interactive)。校内网后更名为人人网,并已于今年上市。如今,人人网的市值达到22.5亿美元。

  “I studied computer networks, therefore I have an understanding for social networks, it’s the same pattern,” he says. But when he made that connection, Friendster and Facebook were already there.


  Mr Wang is not apologetic. He believes that Chinese consumers are not yet mature enough in terms of income and tastes to need revolutionary new internet products.


  “When consumption develops, there are three phases,” he says. “The first is focused on quantity, providing enough to meet demand, the second on securing product quality, and only during the third will people start developing tastes. On the internet in China, we’re still very much in the second phase.”


  Experts observe that, given China’s vast market, it is natural to exploit easy business opportunities first. “In the US, entrepreneurs have to be innovative to find market opportunity,” says Mr McClure. “If you live in a country with a population of 1.3bn and you see an idea that works, it would be foolish not to copy.”


  This extremely pragmatic mindset is a common trait among most Chinese internet entrepreneurs. “Many start-up founders in the US start out with a technological idea they want to realise, and don’t worry about money until much later,” says Chen Tao, a partner for China at Roland Berger Strategy Consultants.

  就大多数中国互联网创业者而言,这种极端实用主义的思路是他们的一个共同特征。罗兰贝格管理咨询有限公司(Roland Berger Strategy Consultants)大中华区合伙人陈涛表示:“在美国,许多初创企业的创始人在起步时关注的都是一个希望实现的技术构想,直到很久以后才开始考虑赚钱的问题。”

  “In China, it’s the other way round. Monetisation comes first, innovation comes later.”


  The biographies of many Chinese internet entrepreneurs reflect this more conservative outlook. Very few are university dropouts like many of their US counterparts. Most have much more industry experience before they start their own business than their American peers.


  Robin Li worked as a software engineer for a division of Dow Jones and for Infoseek, an early US web search engine, before setting up Baidu in 2000. Jack Ma lectured at university on international trade and headed an IT company set up by a unit of the foreign trade ministry before he founded Alibaba, China’s largest e-commerce company by revenue, users and transaction value in 1999.

  李彦宏(Robin Li) 2000年创立百度前,曾先后在道琼斯(Dow Jones)的一个部门和Infoseek担任软件工程师。Infoseek是美国一家早期的网络搜索引擎公司。马云(Jack Ma) 1999年创立阿里巴巴(Alibaba)之前,曾在大学里教授国际贸易课,还担任过外经贸部下属一家IT公司的负责人。按营收、用户数和交易额衡量,阿里巴巴是中国最大的电子商务公司。

  At Qiyi, Mr Gong’s background is similar. “Although I knew already in university that I very much wanted to set up a business, I didn’t feel ready,” he recalls. So he first went to work as a software development and maintenance engineer at Itochu, the Japanese trading company, and later helped set up the China unit for a company founded by a friend in the US before he dared to start his first own venture, the online portal focus.cn.


  “On the first day, the office was completely empty – it was just me,” he says, recalling how unfamiliar and slightly fearful he felt.


  There was no long tradition of entrepreneurship in the People’s Republic of China when the country’s first internet companies were set up. Capitalism was new, and the internet even newer. The resulting caution can be seen among the investors who back the sector, as well as its entrepreneurs.


  Lei Jun, China’s most prominent homegrown angel investor, only backs the companies of friends or friends of friends, and prefers serial entrepreneurs because the chances of success increase over time. Mr Lei has invested in less than 20 companies such as Vancl, an online clothing retailer, and Keniu, a security software maker.


  But foreign venture capitalists and stock market investors, a far larger source of funding for Chinese technology start-ups, follow similar principles. The rise of the thousands of Groupon clones in China has been fuelled by a wave of venture capital money from the US.


  Benjamin Joffe, chief executive of Plus Eight Star, a digital strategy consultancy, says: “Investors love to recognise something they know.”

  数字行业战略咨询公司Plus Eight Star的首席执行官本杰明·约费(Benjamin Joffe)表示:“投资者喜欢赏识他们了解的项目。”

我要纠错】 责任编辑:Nocy



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