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调控显现影响 上海业主忙维权(双语)

来源: 互联网 编辑: 2011/10/27 13:50:27  字体:

  A weekend scuffle in Shanghai over a drop in apartment prices adds to increasing evidence that China's efforts to tame a surging property market are having an impact -- even as it offers a hint of what could happen if the measures go too far.


  A group of around 400 homeowners in Shanghai demonstrated publicly and damaged a showroom operated by their property developer after the company said it cut prices. Home buyers had wanted to speak with the developer to refund or cancel their contracts but were unsuccessful, according to local media. One report said the price cuts exceeded 25% per square meter.


  The local media reports said an unspecified number of people were injured. The property developer, a unit of China Overseas Holdings Ltd., didn't respond to requests for comment. Photos of the event showed broken glass in the sales office, homeowners marching with banners and a phalanx of police watching over.

  中国媒体报道说有人受伤,数目不详。涉事开发商是中国海外集团有限公司(China Overseas Holdings Ltd.)子公司,它没有回复本报置评请求。有关这一事件的照片显示销售办公室玻璃破损,业主打着条幅游行,还有警察列队监视。

  Chinese media separately reported that another group of Shanghai homeowners gathered on Saturday to speak with Longfor Properties Co., after it dropped asking prices to 14,000 yuan per square meter from 18,000 yuan per square meter at a residential development in the city's Jiading district. Longfor didn't return calls for comment. In an Oct. 20 release, it said it posted stellar sales following an aggressive sales strategy for three of its projects in Shanghai and in the city of Hangzhou.

  Sina Weibo来自新浪微博的数张图片显示了周末发生在上海的针对房价的抗议活动。但抗议者并未获得来自微博用户的多少支持。据中国媒体另外一篇报道说,另一群上海业主于周六聚集,希望同开发商龙湖地产(Longfor Properties Co.)对话,原因是龙湖地产将上海嘉定区一处居住项目的开盘价从每平米1.8万元下调到了1.4万元。龙湖地产没有回复本报请求置评的电话。在10月20日的一篇新闻稿中,龙湖地产说,通过实施激进的销售策略,它在上海和杭州的三个项目取得了不俗的销售业绩。

  Beijing has been tightening control of the property market this year to tame surging property prices, amid fears that unaffordable housing could lead to greater social unrest. Measures include a massive 1.3 trillion yuan program to build about 10 million public housing units for low-income earners this year, as well as limits of purchases of second homes and other restrictions.


  Data in recent weeks have suggested that the curbing efforts are having an impact. China's housing prices were largely unchanged in September from a month earlier and grew at a slower pace than in September 2010, indicating Beijing's efforts to cool the real estate sector are having an impact.


  Speculation has turned to whether authorities will now relax restrictions. On Monday, China's eastern city of Nanjing said it would let residents borrow more money from the city's housing provident fund to buy 'ordinary homes,' in a move designed to give the struggling property sector a boost. While it didn't elaborate, such homes are often defined as no larger than 140 square meters.


  In the southern city of Foshan earlier this month, local officials announced they would lift some property-market restrictions, then postponed that move the next day 'to seek further public opinion and to make an assessment on the effects of such measures', without giving further details.


  Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on Saturday stressed that all levels of government need to reinforce China's controls of the property market, and that tightening efforts in the property market and the construction of public homes in China are at a pivotal moment.


  The Shanghai property-owner demonstration found little support on China's Internet, where most still expressed worries that housing prices are too high. In an informal poll posted on the Twitter-like microblogging site Sina Weibo that had attracted more than 34,000 votes by Tuesday evening, 80% said they that thought it was normal for housing prices to fall and that the Shanghai protestors were just playing up the issue.


  “This is an immoral action,” Weibo user Xiaobai Yeyou Naxieshi wrote in one of the 7 million property-related posts Sina had collected Tuesday on a special topic page. “Buying a house is a form of investment and every investment involves risk. If prices didn't fall, people who can't afford to buy an apartment would really have to wait forever.”


  “Dear Government, can you please cancel my purchase of Petrochina shares? A refund based on the IPO price would be fine,” joked Linshi Renyuan. Petrochina, which debuted on the Shanghai stock market at 16.7 yuan per share in 2007, was trading at to 9.85 yuan per share at the end of the day Tuesday.


  That said, a sustained drop in housing prices could spark its own displeasure. It could also spark criticism that Beijing's policies don't address long-term issues.


  Outspoken Chinese real estate tycoon Ren Zhiqiang, whose properties haven't been involved in the demonstrations, said on his microblogon Monday, “Does the government really want to solve the housing (issue) for the public or is it just using the property market as a tool to balance between economic growth and the public sentiment?”


  “Why doesn't the government work on land supply, land prices and tax incentives? Why doesn't it raise wages and lower home purchase taxes, and raise the affordability for the citizens?” Mr. Ren asked.


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