P3 学习重点之"Strategic analysis"(一)
ACCA P3考试:Strategic analysis
The typical questions, which you would ask against each of these resource constraints, would be as follows:
·How much do we have?
·What is the current cost of our capital?
·Is the company excessively geared or are there any opportunities for raising additional finance?
This would refer to machinery in the broadest sense of the word, and typical questions one might ask would include:
·How technically up to date is the machinery?
·Is there a danger of obsolescence?
·Has it been poorly maintained over the years?
·How expensive is our workforce?
·How efficient are our employees?
·Is the business overstaffed?
·Is it understaffed?
·What is the labour turnover rate?
·What is the absence rate?
·Are there good structures to allow management succession?
There is a danger of overlapping with the external environment here, so try to keep to such questions as:
·Are the markets declining/growing?
·Where are new markets emerging?
·How strong are our brands in the current market?
·How expensive are our materials compared to our competitors?
·Do our suppliers have excessive control of materials?
·Do we have favourable access to materials?
·Are our raw materials becoming exhausted?
·What type of structures do we have and are they likely to limit future growth?
·What is the culture of the organisation and will it stifle or fuel future developments?
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