为了支持国际贸易的发展,世贸组织ᨀ供了一个确定和减少贸易壁垒和解决贸易 争端的机制。如果成员违反了规则,世界贸易组织将处以罚款。To support the development of international trade, the WTO provides a mechanism for identifying and reducing trade barriers and resolving trade disputes. WTO will impose fines,if members are in reach of their rules.
WIO 的建立是为了降低国际贸易壁垒,它这样做是为了防止保护主义的措施,如 关税,配额和其他进口限制。它也作为一个谈判论坛,解决国家之间的争端。世贸组织鼓励自由贸易,通过将至惠国原则应用于其成员国之间,在一个国家提供 给另一个国家的关税降低的政策惠及所有成员国。The World Trade Organization (WTO)was set up to continue to implement the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade(GATT), and its main aims are to reduce the barriers to international trade. It does this by seeking to prevent protectionist measure such as tariffs ,quotas and other import restrictions. It also acts as a form for negotiation and offering settlement processes to resolve disputes between countries. The WTO encourages free trade by applying the most favoured nation principle between its members,where reduction in tariffs offered to one country by another should be offered to all members.
虽然世贸组织已经取得了显著的成功,阻止了一些国家之间的贸易保护主义措施, 但也允许另一些保护主义措施,特别是非基于非关税为基础的,这部分是很难确定和控制。Whereas the WTO has had notable success, some protectionist measures between groups of countries are nevertheless allowed and some protectionist measures, especially non-tariff based ones, have been harder to identify and control.
1. 入世降低了贸易保护措施
2. 通常情况下,当各国实施贸易保护主义措施时,相互对对方进行报复。入世可以减少这些可能,让公司专注于增加贸易和经济增长。
3. 这样的政策也可能让公司专注在某些产品和服务上,以获得竞争优势,并更 有效地竞争在全球范围内,获得全球政治资本和全球影响力。
1. 可能的缺点主要是围绕需要保护某些行业。
1)比如有些行业的发展是需要时间的,稍加时日他们就会具有全球竞争力,过 早的介入保护会损害他们明日的发展。
2)另外,对于一些老旧的衰退行业,一旦放开竞争就会迅速倒闭,可能早就大 量失业,这在社会和政治层面看是不可接受的。
2. 某些保护主义政策的目的是为了防止商品“倾销”,即以一个非常便宜的价格 售卖,这损害了当地生产者。