Net present value as used in investment decision-making is stated in terms of which of the following options?
a. Cash flow.
b. Earnings before interest, taxes, and depreciation.
c. Earnings before interest and taxes.
d. Net income.
Choice "a" is correct. Net present value, like most capital budgeting techniques, focuses on cash flow. Cash flow is a pure measure of financial performance that isolates relevant information for decision making. The amount of cash the firm takes in and pays out for an investment affects the amount of cash the firm has available for operations and other activities.
Choice "d" is incorrect. Net present value focuses on cash flows. Net income distorts financial results useful for capital budgeting decisions with non-cash items, such as depreciation, as well as with sunk costs.
Choice "b" is incorrect. Net present value focuses on cash flows. Earnings before interest, taxes, and depreciation often approximates cash flow but still distorts financial results with earnings rather than the cash flow data most useful for capital budgeting.
Choice "c" is incorrect. Net present value focuses on cash flows. Earnings before interest and taxes distort financial results with non-cash data (depreciation) as well as earnings data rather than the cash flow data most useful for capital budgeting.
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