一级难点汇总 | 二级难点汇总 |
1)需求的自身价格弹性Own-Price Elasticity of Demand
2)需求的收入弹性Income Elasticity of Demand
3)需求的交叉价格弹性Cross-Price Elasticity of Demand
2. 替代效应和收入效应
3. 四个市场特点总结
4. 市场均衡
1) 完全竞争市场
2) 垄断竞争市场
5. GDP计算
1) Expenditure approach:
GDP = C + I + G + (X – M)
2) Income approach:
GDP = C + S + T
3) Total income equals total expenditures:
C + I + G + (X – M) = C + S + T → S = I + (G – T) + (X – M)
4) GDP平减指数
GDP deflator = (Nominal GDP/Real GDP) ×100
6. AD、AS曲线的移动
1) 单条曲线移动
2) 两条曲线同时移动
①Both AD and AS increase. real GDP and employment will increase but the impact on inflation is not clear.
②Both AD and AS decrease. real GDP and employment will decline, but the impact on inflation is not clear.
③AD increases and AS decreases. the price level will rise, but the effect on real GDP is not clear.
④AD decreases and AS increases. the price level will decline but the impact on real GDP is not clear.
7. 财政政策和货币政策的结合
8. 汇率计算
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