Market Risk Capital Calculation
•In May 2012, the Basel Committee issued a consultative document proposing major revisions to the market risk capital which is calculated for the trading book. This is referred to as the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB).
•Basel Accord I calculations of market risk capital were based on a 10-day 99% VaR. The VaR was based on the behavior of market variables during a recent period of time (typically one to four years).
•Basel Accord II.5 required banks to calculate a stressed VaR measure in addition to the current VaR measure. The stressed VaR was based on the behavior of market variables during a 250-day period of stressed market conditions.
• The FRTB is proposing a change to the measure used for determining market risk capital. Instead of 99% VaR, 97.5% ES is proposed. For normal distributions, the two measures are almost exactly equivalent. The 99% VaR is μ - 2.33σ while the 97.5% ES is μ - 2.34σ. For a distribution with a heavier tail than a normal distribution, the 97.5% ES can be considerably greater than the 99% VaR.
1. 巴塞尔一用10天99%的VaR来计算市场风险资本金。
2. 巴塞尔二点五在VaR的基础上增加了SVaR,SVaR侧重压力状况下的市场表现。
3. FRTB提议用97.5%的ES来代替VaR,肥尾情况下,97.5%ES比99%的VaR明显要大。
Which of the following statements regarding the differences between Basel I, Basel II.5, and the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB) for market risk capital calculations is incorrect?
A. Both Basel I and Basel II.5 require calculation of VaR with a 99% confidence interval.
B. FRTB requires the calculation of expected shortfall with a 97.5% confidence interval.
C. FRTB requires adding a stressed VaR measure to complement the expected shortfall calculation.
D. The 10-day time horizon for market risk capital proposed under Basel I incorporates a recent period of time, which typically ranges from one to four years.
【答案解析】Basel I and Basel II.5 use VaR with a 99% confidence interval and the FRTB uses the expected shortfall with a 97.5% confidence interval. Basel I market risk capital requirements produced a very current result because the 10-day horizon incorporated a recent period of time. The FRTB does not require adding a stressed VaR to the expected shortfall calculation. It was Basel II.5 that required the addition of a stressed VaR.
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