Sport or Spectacle?
Muhammad Ali is probably the most famous sports figure on earth: he is recognized on every continent and by all generations, The diagnosis of his illness ——l—Parlonson's disease after his retirement fuelled the debate about the dangers of boxing and criticism ——2—— the sport. That, plus his outspoken opposition ——3—women's boxing, made people wonder how he would react when one of his daughters decided to take ——4—the sport. His presence at Laila's first professional fight, ——5—— , seemed to broadcast her father's support. Of course Muhammad Ali wanted to watch his daughter fight. The ring announcer introduced him as the "the greatest" and as he sat down at the ringside the crowd chanted.
Twenty-one-year-old Laila's debut fight was a huge success and there was as much publicity for the fight ——6—— her father's fights once attracted. ——7—— , Laila's opponent was much weaker than she was and the fight lasted just 31 seconds. Since then. Laila has won most of her fights by knocking out her opponent. "She knows ——8—— she's doing, all fight, "said one referee about her. "She knows about moving well. You can see some of her dad's moves."
Laila Ali would rather not compare herself ——9—— her father. She prefers to make her own ——10—— . Her father supports her decision to enter the sport but he has not spared her the details of what can happen.Laila realizes that her father wants her to understand the ——11—— possible scenario to see ——12—— she still wants to go forward with it. She knows she's going to get hit hard at times, that she may get a broken nose or a swollen face,but at least she is prepared for it.
Laila's decision to start boxing ——l3—— her father's struggle with the symptoms of Parkinson's disease has of course sparked a mixture of debate and ——14——. But Laila is a feisty and determined individual and it is that as much as her famous last name that has made her a magnet for worldwide media attention. Of course, the ——15—— on the boxing scene of a woman with her family history attracts even more questions about whether women's boxing is sport or spectacle.
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