
财税实务 高薪就业 学历教育

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来源: 正保会计网校 编辑: 2010/08/16 13:59:47 字体:


  (d) Narrow and wide stakeholders

  According to the technical article in Student Accountant in February 2008,‘Narrow stakeholders are those that are the most affected by the organisation’s policies and will usually include shareholders,management, employees,suppliers,and customers that are dependent on the organisation’s output. Wider stakeholders are those less affected and may typically include government,less-dependent customers,the wider community (as opposed to local communities) and other peripheral groups.’

  The three narrow stakeholders identified in the case are investors,employees and the directors.

  Investors such as the Shalala Pension Fund have experienced a real reduction in the value of their Global-bank holding and the publicity associated with the loss means that the share price will suffer in the short to medium term. These investors are being asked to re-finance the capital base of Global-bank to make good the losses,via the rights issue. The investors would look for some reassurance that their further investment would not be squandered before committing. If the rights issue goes ahead and Shalala chooses not to increase its investment,Shalala’s 12% holding could be diluted,thereby reducing its influence over the company. In the worst case scenario,should the re-financing fail,Shalala would be unlikely to recover much value from its holding if Global-bank was consequently forced into administration.

  Employees such as Miss Hubu and Mr Evora are likely to experience some concerns about their job security in the aftermath of the loss with those at the Philos office perhaps being the most likely to be affected. Mr Evora may be the subject of disciplinary action for his repeated failures of internal control compliance.

  Directors such as Mrs Keefer are likely to experience a much higher level of investor scrutiny for some time to come and Mrs Keefer herself may not survive in her post. The apparent failure of the Global-bank board in its agency responsibilities is likely to increase the amount of intervention by investors and this will be an inconvenience for the board until such time as investor confidence is fully restored. Benefits such as bonuses may be subject to revisions at general meetings and other directors,seen as complicit in Mr Mineta’s losses,may not survive their next retirement by rotation election.

  [Tutorial note:some parts of the assessment may be assumed to apply to more than one stakeholder. Individual employees listed as separate stakeholders should attract marks for one stakeholder in total.]

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