
财税实务 高薪就业 学历教育
安卓版本:8.6.96 苹果版本:8.6.96


来源: 正保会计网校 编辑: 2010/07/07 15:59:37 字体:

  New Jersey




  First time candidates must:

  - Be at least 18 years of age;

  - Be of good moral character;

  Candidates who graduate prior to July 1, 2000 must possess a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution, or its equivalent, based upon a curriculum that includes a minimum of 60 semester hours selected from courses in English, history, foreign languages, mathematics, general psychology, science, geography, fine arts and music; and a minimum of 60 semester.

  hours in professional courses including at least 24 semester hours in accounting; at least 6 semester hours in business law; at least 6 semester hours in finance; at least 6 semester hours in economics; and at least 18 semester hours in related business subjects.

  Candidates who graduated after July 1, 2000 may sit for the exam with a Bachelors degree earned at a regionally accredited University or AARTS (Association of Advanced Rabbinical and Talmudic Schools) accredited University and 120 semester hours.



  成绩单必须反映出该申请者所获得的学位及所完成的课程。如成绩单尚未反映出申请者的学位,则申请者在安排其大学院校向注会考试服务处寄出已有的成绩单之外,还应要求其大学向注会考试服务处寄出学业完成证书(Certificate of Completion/COC),该学业完成证书应证明申请者已完成所有为获得学位所需的学业,且可在申请注会考试后六十天之内在其成绩单上反映出所获得的学位。当申请者获得反映学位的至终成绩单后,应向注会考试服务处补交其列有全部课程及学位的成绩单。该成绩单应由其大学院校直接寄至注会考试服务处新泽西州联络点。如注会考试服务处未在规定时间之内收到考生的至终成绩单,则不告知考生注会考试成绩。

  如申请人已从位于新泽西州的学业资格部门(Bureau of Academic Credentials)获得了会计资格合格证书(AQC),可将该证书附于注会考试申请书上,而不需向注会考试服务处递交其大学成绩单。

  Applicants who have completed the educational requirement at the time of application must:

  - submit an official transcript(s) directly from each institution at which original credit toward the educational requirement has been earned to CPA Examination Services. The degree earned must be posted on the official transcript.

  Applicants who are currently enrolled in college at the time of application must:

  - submit an official transcript(s) directly from each institution at which original credit toward the educational requirement has been earned to CPA Examination Services.AND

  - submit to CPA Examination Services a completed Certificate of Enrollment form. This form is evidence that the applicant is currently enrolled and that all courses and graduation requirements will be completed. The form must be signed by an authorized official of the college and signed by the applicant.

  After all educational requirements have been met, the applicant must:

  - submit a final official transcript(s) directly from the academic institution to CPA Examination Services. The degree earned must be posted on the official transcript.; applicants are advised that if the required final official transcript is not received, the application will be determined to be incomplete, the applicant will NOT receive a Notice to Schedule (NTS), will NOT be permitted to take the examination, will forfeit all fees paid, and will be required to reapply as a First-time applicant again. The New Jersey State Board of Accountancy nor CPA Examination Services will remind applicants to submit any official transcripts as required.

  Applicants who have obtained Accountancy Qualifying Certificates (AQCs) from the Bureau of Academic Credentials in Trenton should forward the original AQC's with their applications. They need NOT arrange to have their official transcripts forwarded to CPA Examination Services.



  The following documents must be received before your application will be reviewed. Failure to submit one or more of the following will delay processing time and prevent you from taking the examination:

   A completed First-time application,

   Application and examination fees to CPA Examination Services,

   Official transcript(s),

   Foreign evaluations, if applicable

  After eligibility to take the examination is determined by the Board (or its agent), NASBA will issue a Notice to Schedule (NTS) to applicants.

  The NTS is valid for one testing event or six (6) months whichever is first exhausted for each examination section. The NTS includes the date that the NTS expires.

  Upon receipt of the NTS, candidates are required to contact Prometric, Inc. (Prometric) to schedule the examination. See the

  Candidate Bulletin for complete instruction on how to schedule the examination. For a list of test centers, visit Prometric's web site at www.prometric.com. The New Jersey State Board of Accountancy and CPA Examination Services do not control space availability or location of the test centers.


  Application fee: $ 225.00

  Examination fees are listed below.

  Auditing and Attestation (AUD) $ 230.55

  Business Environment and Concepts (BEC) $ 180.95

  Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR) $ 218.15

  Regulation (REG) $ 193.35


  如未考过而申请重考,申请注册费为:$70.00美元(一门)、 $85.00美元(二门)、$100.00美元(三门)、或$115.00美元(四门)。

  REGISTRATION FEE: 4 exam sections - $115.00 3 exam sections (any combination) - $100.00

  2 exam sections (any combination) - $85.00 1 exam section - $70.00



  Applicants who have completed educational requirements at institutions outside the U.S. must have their credentials evaluated (a subject analysis evaluation) by the Education Credential Evaluators. Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc



  The NTS is valid for one testing event or six (6) months whichever is first exhausted for each examination section. The NTS includes the date that the NTS expires.

我要纠错】 责任编辑:桔梗


  • 章小炎《财务会计与报告》


  • 李向祎《审计与鉴证》



  • 美国注册会计师思维导图


  • 美国注册会计师学习计划


  • 美国注册会计师科目特点


  • 美国注册会计师报考指南


  • 美国注册会计师历年样卷


  • USCPA常用财会英语词汇



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