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来源: 互联网 编辑: 2011/04/03 10:39:56  字体:

  记录并报销差旅费是这个世界上再平凡不过的任务之一,这不是什么秘密。商务旅行期间的交通、住宿和其它成本加总在一起,还要加上一沓纸和收据。《华尔街日报》近期向“Every Day With Rachael Ray”杂志的旅行部编辑哈玛迪(Gina Hamadey)征求建议,以简化差旅费报销工作,并增加其趣味性。

  WSJ: What is one thing the business traveler can do upfront to keep everything in order when it comes to expenses?


  Ms. Hamadey: To get a head start, everything that you have already bought on your credit card -- usually hotel, air and car receipts -- just print them out. This is probably common sense but if you are a first-time traveler or if you don't travel for business very often, it's an amateur mistake to not put everything in one place. Sometimes if I'm running off for a quick weekend, I designate a compartment of my wallet, and throw my receipts in.


  At the very least you should do that, but ideally it's great if you have an envelope in your purse or briefcase and start with your air, hotel and car receipts. . . . Jot notes on the back of a receipt, [like] who was at the dinner, the purpose. If you're really organized, you could separate them [with] paper clips. If you're really super organized, you can spend time on the plane home taping down receipts.


  WSJ: What is often overlooked in organizing expenses?


  Ms. Hamadey: A common error is procrastinating. Not only organizing, but then submitting. . . . [Also] overlooked is the little things, like coffee, water and a newspaper. It's so often that you just grab a coffee, and you forget the receipt. If it's a coffee stand, you don't even know if they have receipts and you'll just think, 'Ah, it's $2 and no big deal,' but that stuff really adds up.


  WSJ: Any final tips?


  Ms. Hamadey: It's important to take the high road and not take advantage. So if you're invited to a conference and it's frowned upon to bring a spouse and you bring yours anyway, expense for half your dinner. It's never a comfortable conversation to be called in and [hear] you shouldn't have done this. Take the high road. It's a good thing and will leave you open to take trips later.


  Alcohol is something to be careful of. Wine with dinner is fine but if a bunch of people are boozing really late, it's something to be careful of. Maybe if everyone splits the bill it's fine, but it's just again not a comfortable conversation to have with your boss.


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