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来源: 互联网 编辑: 2011/04/25 09:30:38  字体:













  China’s latest growth numbers were met with dismay by investors – equity markets plummeted across Asia on Thursday – many of whom believe that Beijing is losing control of an overheating economy.


  But are these concerns fully justified? A closer look at the data suggests not only that the Chinese economy may be beginning to cool down, but that measures taken by authorities to rein in inflation are starting – and will continue – to pay dividends.


  The data show that China’s gross domestic product expanded at 9.8 per cent in the fourth quarter compared to a year earlier. Comparing this figure to estimates of the economy’s underlying trend of 6-7 per cent, many analysts have concluded that current growth levels are excessive and inflation is set to continue rising.


  Yet as Gavyn Davies has pointed out, this comparison may not make much sense in China’s case, since its “underlying” GDP is far harder to pin than that of developed countries: "China is passing through a prolonged process of convergence with the developed economies, and inflation is triggered when the speed limits on that convergence are exceeded. These limits are set by factors like the speed at which labour can migrate from rural agriculture to urban agriculture, and the speed at which the capital stock…can be increased to absorb the available labour supply."

  不过,正如加文?戴维斯(Gavyn Davies)所指出的,就中国而言,这种对比可能意义不大,因为中国的“潜在”GDP远比发达国家更难以确定。“中国正在经历向发达经济体靠拢的漫长过程,这种靠拢一旦超速,就会引发通胀。至于是否超速,则是由多种因素决定的,比如劳动力从农村农业迁向城镇农业的速度,能够吸收有效劳动力供给的资本存量增加的速度。”

  Davies calculates that the current “speed limit” for the Chinese economy is 8-9 per cent. More importantly, he thinks excess GDP growth actually fell towards the end of 2010 – in stark contrast to most analysts. This is also the case when looking at indicators such as industrial production.


  Inflationary pressures should therefore be easing. This is confirmed by Thursday’s data, which show that headline inflation fell from 5.1 per cent in November to 4.6 per cent in December.


  China bears respond that this is likely to be a temporary dip. Excess liquidity in the economy from Beijing’s crisis-induced lending spree will continue to inflation asset bubbles – particularly in the property market – and push up prices, they argue.


  It is true that there is an overhang of excessive liquidity growth in China. But there are indications that some of remedial measures taken by Beijing – such as reserve requirement hikes, lending limits and interest rate rises – are bearing fruit.


  According to Thursday’s data, growth in outstanding loans fell by around $200bn in the 2010 compared with 2009, while growth in outstanding deposits fell by around $170bn. This is consistent with a recent drop in property sales growth across the country and falling house price inflation.


  Equally importantly, growth of the broad money supply (M2) was 19.7 per cent in December 2010, 8 percentage points lower than at at the end of 2009. The growth of narrow money (M1), meanwhile, fell by an even steeper 11.2 percentage points.


  Liquidity growth is still high, admittedly, but the trend is in the right direction. And with further measures on the way, there are strong grounds for believing that Beijing will succeed in capping credit and monetary growth over the next 12 months, bringing inflation down to a manageable level.


  HSBC expects credit growth to be reduced to 16 per cent in 2011 through a range of “sticks” to rein in bank lending, including punitive rates on central bank bills for banks that lend too much. It also expects 200 basis points of RRR hikes, which will freeze more than $210bn of liquidity in the Chinese banking system.


  Combined with supply-side measures to control rising food prices, these measures are “likely to start slowing inflation meaningfully by the middle of the year”, says HSBC chief China economist Qu Hongbin.


  This is a view shared with Societe Generale’s Cross Asset research team, which believes that inflation could start its slow descent towards more normal levels as soon as the end of the first quarter of 2011: "Inflation risk is skewed to the upside, but we expect continued, careful policy tightening by authorities. Interest rate hikes should be more evident in 2011, while other policy options (loan quotas, RRR changes) continue to be pursued…We attribute a 70 per cent probability to this scenario."

   这个观点得到了法国兴业银行(Société Générale)的认同。法国兴业银行相信,到今年一季度末,通胀就会开始向较为正常的水平逐渐回落。“通胀风险偏于上行,但我们预期相关政府部门会继续实施谨慎的收紧政策。2011年加息的可能性加大,其它政策选择(贷款额度、调整存款准备金率)也将继续使用……我们认为这种情况发生的可能性为70%。”

  But will growth be compromised in the process? No, says Hongbin, who points out that credit growth of 16 per cent will provide sufficient funds to cover the more than 100,000 ongoing infrastructure projects in the country.


  Further, and contrary to common economic wisdom, rate hikes may even stimulate consumer spending by making China’s high proportion of savers $11.4bn better off.


  The overall message is clear: the Chinese economy, though somewhat erratically and incrementally, is moving in the right direction. For the moment, at least, the market’s cries of pain ring hollow.


我要纠错】 责任编辑:梓墨



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