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来源: 互联网 编辑: 2011/10/09 15:49:10  字体:













  The US economy may be in the doldrums and the eurozone debt crisis is lurching from bad to worse. But for private equity investors looking for returns, China remains the flavour of the moment.


  Fundraising for China-focused private equity and venture capital has been unscathed by the global financial market turmoil. Having hit $20.8bn in 2010, fund raising activities are on track for another record year after having reached $18.6bn so far this year, according to the latest figures from Asian Private Equity Review.

  专注于中国的私人股本基金和风投机构的融资活动在此次全球金融市场动荡中毫发无损。根据《亚洲直接投资评论》(Asia Private Equity Review)的最新数据,2010年,此类融资规模达到208亿美元,而今年迄今已融得186亿美元,有望再次创下新高。

  And while China’s budding private equity scene has long been dominated by big foreign players – think Carlyle, TPG and Blackstone – homegrown Chinese groups are catching up fast.


  Traditionally accounting for just a sliver of the overall fund-raising market, domestic renminbi-denominated PE funds have become a significant and growing force in China, representing a staggering 67 per cent of total funds raised in 2010, up from 18 per cent in 2007 according to APER.


  “The development of locally managed funds in China has become a prominent trend that cannot be overlooked,” Robert Partridge, Ernst & Young’s head of transaction advisory services for Greater China, told beyondbrics.

  安永(Ernst & Young)大中华区财务交易咨询服务主管庞若柏(Robert Partridge)对本报beyondbrics专栏表示:“中国本土管理基金迅速发展,已成为一种不容忽视的趋势。”

  The funds’ rise, congruent with Beijing’s efforts to build up “national champions” in industries from banking to steelmaking and oil, has been accelerated by the changing regulatory environment in China.


  One advantage that RMB funds – both domestic- and foreign-managed – have over their dollar counterparts is that they can raise money from local investors. And over the past two years, the pool of local capital available has increased sharply as regulators changed rules to allow institutional investors – including government institutions, pension funds, insurance companies – to invest in PE funds.


  Meanwhile, the ever growing pool of wealthy Chinese individuals – flushed with cash and in search of diversification – has created another group of investors for local PEs to tap into.


  “There are clear advantages to RMB funds,” Sam Robinson, head of global investment at SVG Advisers, told beyondbrics. “RMB are not subject to as many regulations as dollar funds – such as exchange controls. They can move more quickly on deals because they are not hampered by the burden of foreign investment approvals and can invest in regulated industries that foreign PEs cannot.”

  SVG Advisers全球投资部门主管萨姆?罗宾逊(Sam Robinson)对beyondbrics专栏表示:“人民币基金拥有明显的优势。人民币所受的监管约束不像美元基金那么多——例如外汇管制。由于不受外国投资批准的束缚,并可以投资外国私人股本基金无法投资的受监管行业,它们可以更加迅速地推进交易。”

  The flipside though according to Robinson is that RMB funds have unclear legal structures and unclear liquidity and exit strategies.


  So what does the rise of homegrown Chinese funds mean for foreign players? Will this reduce investment opportunities and returns for them?


  “The challenge for the global firms is that they will be competing against the ‘favoured son’,” said Partridge from E&Y. “A company in China looking to raise money may see a RMB investor as having less closing hurdles, as well as ease in exiting.”


  Foreign PEs, for their part, have no plans to sit idly from the sidelines. Wall Street names that have launched RMB funds so far this year include:


  - Blackstone, which raised RMB 5bn in April

  - 黑石,今年4月融资50亿元人民币

  - Carlyle, which completed in July a second close of its RMB 5bn fund at RMB3.2bn

  - 凯雷,其规模达50亿元的人民币基金于今年7月完成了第二轮融资,融资额为32亿元人民币

  - Morgan Stanley, which announced in May plans to raise RMB 1.5bn with Hangzhou Industrial and Commercial Trust. The new fund will focus on investment opportunities in the province of Zhejiang

  - 摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley),5月份宣布与杭州工商信托投资股份有限公司(Hangzhou Industrial & Commercial Trust)联合融资15亿元人民币。这只新基金将专注于浙江省的投资机会。

  - Goldman Sachs, which is seeking to raise RMB 5bn for a vehicle that it is forming in partnership with Beijing city government

  - 高盛(Goldman Sachs),试图为它与北京市政府合资组建的一家基金融资50亿元人民币

  In all, there are 89 foreign PE firms and 394 local PE firms operating in China at the moment, according to APER.


  The attractions of China for foreign private equity firms are obvious. With the boom in leveraged buy-outs in Europe and the US over following the 2008 Lehman crisis, many see opportunities for deal making in China – where the (relatively) robust stock market has produced many a profitable exit.


  “The principal exit for PEs continues to be IPOs,” Ian Coleman of PwC told beyondbrics. “There is little secondary buy-outs. Also because of Chinese banking rules on gearing, PEs in China can’t leverage to the hill to make money from financial restructuring. So they end up functioning more like venture capital – the majority of deals are non-control minority stake, pre-IPO type.”

  普华永道(PwC)的伊恩?科尔曼(Ian Coleman)向本报beyondbrics专栏表示:“私人股本的主要退出方式仍然是首次公开发行(IPO),很少有二次收购。同时由于中国银行业对杠杆融资的规定,中国的私人股本不可能通过大幅举债从财务重组中获利。因此它们最终的运作更像风险资本——大部分交易是收购没有控制权的少数股份,所谓的IPO前融资模式。”

  In this context, foreign funds – whose investor base tends to be skewed towards institutions rather than high net worth individuals – does offer an advantage over homegrown ones, said Robinson from SVG.


  “Dollar funds will always have a place because when you are trying to grow a busines, you want long term investors,” he said. “Money from wealthy individuals can go in a year or two but institutions will take a longer term view.”


  Still, given the rapid influx of capital and increasing competition for deals and rising valuations in some sectors, questions are being asked about whether the Chinese PE market has not reached its peak.


  Ernst & Young – like others PE players beyondbrics has spoken to – remains upbeat about the sector’s prospects. As it writes in its latest report on private equity in China:


  “The recent sell-offs in the public equities markets afforded nimble firms an opportunity to capitalise on depressed valuations and enabled significant take-private transactions. These same dynamics, however, limited exit opportunities for many firms, especially those seeking an IPO.”


  “The rapid rise in activity has many observers asking if China’s market has reached unsustainable levels. Indeed the rapid influx of capital has led to increasing competition for deals and rising valuations in some sectors.”


  “Despite these near-term challenges, however the investment thesis remains intact. China is still in the very early stages of transitioning from its manufacturing origins to a consumer-driven model and with PE penetration just a fraction of that in developing markets, the opportunity to participate in the country’s growth trajectory is compelling.”


  There’s no doubt that there is a lot of buzz going around private equity investments in China. Whether the returns will continue to live up to the hype remains to be seen.


我要纠错】 责任编辑:Nocy



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