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来源: 互联网 编辑: 2011/09/23 10:46:31  字体:

  China’s leading online portal has shut down the microblog of a watch enthusiast who rose to prominence pointing out the excesses of Communist party officials by identifying and valuing their expensive watches.


  Daniel Wu, a long-time timepiece aficionado, began his accidental crusade when he noticed in a news photograph of the deadly high-speed rail crash in July that Sheng Guangzu, the railway minister, appeared to be wearing a Rolex Oyster Perpetual, which retails for Rmb70,000 ($11,000) in China.

  丹尼尔·吴(Daniel Wu)长期以来一直是一位“钟表控”。他开始对官员所戴手表进行鉴定完全是出于偶然:今年7月,他在一张动车追尾事故的新闻图片上注意到,铁道部部长盛光祖戴的是一块“劳力士蚝式恒动系列”手表(Rolex Oyster Perpetual)——该款手表在中国的零售价为7万元人民币(合1.1万美元)。

  “I did a simple search for minister Sheng and was astonished to find him wearing many more watches,” Mr Wu told the Financial Times.


  Mr Wu, 33, said this inspired him to cast his net more widely. He searched for other officials and compared photographs of the wristwatches to pictures from official product catalogues. The number of people who followed his microblog on Sina, the online portal, quickly jumped from 2,000 to more than 20,000 before it was shut last weekend.


  “That was when I got a bit addicted,” said Mr Wu, who added that his “watch evaluation” was taking up most of his spare time when he was not running his software company.


  Mr Wu stresses he does not equate the possession of a luxury watch with corruption. But the fact that Chinese officials do not have to declare publicly their financial assets, and that some of the watches on display were believed to cost the equivalent of many months of the officials’ salary, has driven many of his followers to see him as a graftbuster.


  The blogger says he tried to exclude the possibility of mistaking fake watches for expensive originals by using as high-resolution pictures as possible. Even so, he has used phrases such as “appears to wear” in most cases.


  Mr Wu’s original post about the railway minister was soon removed by Sina’s in-house censors who monitor the chatter of their more than 200m registered Weibo users on behalf of the ruling Communist party.


  Mr Sheng has never commented on Mr Wu’s revelations. The blogger says he has only ever heard back from three of the more than 100 officials he wrote about.


  Mr Wu says he and the censors were soon testing each other’s limits. “I had.?.?.?the impression that we had achieved a tacit understanding: I would not touch the most expensive watches and the highest-ranking officials and I would get away with that.”


  But last week, Sina told him party pressure had grown too strong. Charles Chao, chief executive, told an industry forum on Sunday the company was stepping up censorship.

  但上周,新浪向丹尼尔表示来自官方的压力太大。新浪首席执行官曹国伟(Charles Chao)上周日在一个行业论坛上表示,该公司正在加大审查力度。

  Corruption is one of the most widespread topics of criticism in China’s blogosphere. Earlier this year, censors closed websites on which citizens could report their encounters with corrupt officials, typically by reporting anonymously how they had bribed someone. Mr Wu plans to keep up his hobby on other websites.


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