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来源: 正保会计网校 编辑:正保会计网校 2019/05/29 17:25:04  字体:










ACCA SBR是由原科目P2改革而来,其课程体系较P2略有改变。SBR这门课是ACCA财务报告路线中至为核心的一门课,也是ACCA考试体系中的综合难度较大的一门。

在备考这一科目时,小编提醒大家,可以利用好ACCA官方给我们提供的任何学习资源,其中包括了SBR历年试题考试大纲,以及Technical articles。以下就是网校给广大考生汇总好的技术文章,希望能够帮助大家更快备考。

Additional performance measures

For many years, regulators and standard-setters have debated how entities should best present financial performance and not mislead the user. 

Bin the clutter

The effects of clutter have in for little consideration by the preparers of annual reports. However, the phenomenon is increasingly under discussion, with initiatives recently launched it.

Business Combinations – IFRS 3 (Revised)

This article provides an introduction to IFRS® 3 and IAS® 27, including piecemeal acquisitions and disposals.

Using the business model of to help analyse its performance

Understanding the business model of an entity is helpful in analysing the essence of a business, and for predicting the implications of a change in circumstance on a business.

Concepts of profit or loss and

This article explains the current rules and the conceptual debate as to where in the statement , profits and losses should be recognised – ie when should they be recognised in profit or loss and when in the . Further, it explores the debate as to whether it is appropriate to recognise profits or losses twice.

The Conceptual Framework

In March 2018, the International Accounting Standards Board finished its revision of The Framework for Financial Reporting.


Digital tokens are built on a distributed ledger infrastructure often referred to as a blockchain. These tokens can provide various rights. Cryptocurrency is a type of digital token, and is designed as a medium of exchange. Other digital tokens provide rights to use assets or services, or can represent ownership interests.

Deferred tax

This article considers the aspects of deferred tax that are relevant to the Financial Reporting exam before moving on to the situations that may be tested in the Strategic Business Reporting exam.

Giving investors what they need

This article looks at how reporting capital structure is challenging, but markets are keen for the information.

IAS 21 – does it need amending?

This article examines the issues raised by IASB research that referred to a KASB study into whether IAS 21 needs amending.

IFRS 2, Share-based Payment

International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS®) 2, Share-based Payment, applies when acquires or receives goods and services for equity-based payment. 

IFRS 9, Financial Instruments

IFRS® 9, Financial Instruments represents the of work to date undertaken by the International Accounting Standards Board (the Board) in conjunction with the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) in the US to improve and converge financial reporting standards. 

IFRS 13, Fair Value Measurement

IFRS 13 has required a significant amount of work by entities to simply understand the nature of the principles and concepts involved.


A focus on the International Financial Reporting Standard for small to medium-sized entities.

Impairment of financial assets

This article considers the International Accounting Standards Board’s proposals of new regulations for the impairment of financial assets.

Impairment of goodwill

This article discusses and shows both ways of measuring goodwill following the acquisition of a subsidiary, and how each measurement of goodwill is subject to an impairment review.


This article considers the relevance of information provided by different measurement methods and explains the effect that they may have on the financial statements.

Profit, loss and

This article looks at what differentiates profit or loss from and where items should be presented.

Revenue revisited

This two-part article considers the application of IFRS 15, Revenue from Contracts with Customers using the five-step model. 

The Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are 17 goals tackling major world issues agreed by 193 UN member states to be achieved by 2030. These goals include zero hunger, decent work and economic growth, and reduced inequalities.

The definition and disclosure of capital

This article is structured in two parts – first, it considers what might be included as the capital of and, second, why this distinction is important for the analysis of financial information.

The integrated report framework

In 2013, the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) released a framework for integrated reporting. The framework establishes principles and concepts that govern the overall content of an integrated report.

When does debt seem to be equity?

The difference between debt and equity in an entity’s statement of financial position is not easy to distinguish for preparers of financial statements. Many financial instruments have both features with the result that this can lead to inconsistency of reporting.



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