Which of the following items is a change of accounting policy under IAS 8 Accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates and errors?
A Classifying commission earned as revenue in the statement of profit or loss, having previously classified it as other operating income
B Switching to purchasing plant using leases from a previous policy of purchasing plant for cash
C Changing the value of a subsidiary's inventory in line with the group policy for inventory valuation when preparing the consolidated financial statements
D Revising the remaining useful life of a depreciable asset
Which of the following items is a change of accounting policy under IAS 8 Accounting policies, changes in
accounting estimates and errors?
选项A属于会计政策变更里边的“呈报方式的变更(presentation)”,以前这个commission earned是属于毛利下面的other operating income,现在是Revenue,所以本题选A。
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