
财税实务 高薪就业 学历教育

安卓版本:8.7.71 苹果版本:8.7.71






来源: 正保会计网校 编辑: 2014/07/22 10:48:00  字体:











  A deferred outflow of resources is a consumption of net assets that is applicable to a future reporting period.

  Deferred outflows of resources have a positive effect on net position and are reported following assets but before liabilities.

  A deferred inflow of resources is an acquisition of net assets that is applicable to a future reporting period.

  Deferred inflow of resources have a negative effect on net position and are reported following liabilities but before equity.

  Presentation of statements of financial position

  Governmental fund balance:(Assets+Deferred outflows of resources=Liabilities+Deferred inflows of resources+Fund Balance

  Government-wide /proprietary fund/Fiduciary fund:(Assets+Deferred outflows of resources)-(Liabilities+Deferred inflows of resources)=Net Position

  Types of transactions classified as deferred outflows of resources and deferred inflows of resources(4 types)

  A.Service Concession Arrangements(SCA)政府资产的发包经营

  Upfront or installment payments are displayed as an asset at their present value along with a deferred inflow of resources

  Deferred inflows should be recognized in a systematic and rational manner


  Show the managed facility as a capital asset

  Displays a liability for significant contractual obligation

  Upfront or installment payments are displayed as an asset at their present value along with a deferred inflow of resources

  Deferred inflows should be recognized in a systematic and rational manner

  B.Derivative instruments and hedge accounting

  Derivatives are reported at fair value

  Changes in value of derivatives used as investments are displayed within the investment revenue classification

  Changes in value of derivatives used for hedging activities are reported as either deferred outflows or deferred inflows of resources.

  C.Other deferred outflows / inflows of resources(GASB 65)

  Imposed Nonexchange revenue transactions

  Refunding of Debt

  Sales and intra-entity transfers of future revenue

  Sale and leaseback

  Assets associated with unavailable revenue


  D.Accounting and financial reporting for pensions

  Pension liability change is caused by pension cost(SIR AGE)

  “SIR” expensed

  “AGE”,deferred outflows and deferred inflows

  FAR F8-4 Governmental Funds


  The general fund is created at the beginning of the governmental unit,and it exists throughout the life of that unit.

  The general fund accounts for the general activities of a government that are not accounted for by any other fund.

  Revenue sources=Taxes+Fees & Fines+intergovernmental+Charges for services+Other revenues.

  Expenditure types=General government+Public safety+Culture and recreation

  Adopt modified accrual and budgetary accounting

  General fund unique accounting issues

  Modified accrual and budgetary accounting

  Only one general fund

  Must be major fund

  Only exist current asset & current liability

  No fixed assets & no Long-term debt

  F/S–Required Supplementary Information (RSI)–Budgetary Comparison Schedule


  Special revenue funds account for revenues and expenditures that are legally restricted or committed for specific purposes other than debt service or capital projects.

  E.g.Special fees(to operate school programs)中国的教育附加费

  Revenue sources=Intergovernmental revenue+Fees

  Expenditure types=character expenditures(特定目的支出)+Functional expenditures(功能性支出)

  Special revenue fund unique accounting issues

  Expendable trust activity should be accounted for in a special revenue fund.

  Expendable trust activities represent funding whose principal and income may be expended in the course of their designated operations so that they are depleted by the end of their designated lives.

  Special revenue fund unique accounting issues

  When a grant is received and the recipient government monitoring it,it is special revenue fund.

  When a grant is received and the recipient government not-monitoring it,it is agency trust fund.


  The debt service fund is created to account for the accumulation of resources and the payment of currently due interest and principal on “long-term general obligation debt” by setting aside cash and cash equivalents.

  The debt service fund ONLY pays off the debt of governmental funds.

  The debt service fund‘s resources for new debt are frequently derived from allocated portions of property taxes,transfers from other funds,and investment interest

  Expenditure=Legally due interest+legally due principle

  Principal and interest expenditures should be recorded when they are legally payable per the bond agreement.

  There is no accrual of interest expenditures or interest payable.

  No allocation between interest and principal;both are expenditures

  There is no amortization of a premium or a discount.

  Premiums and discounts are treated as a component of bond proceeds.

  Debt service fund are required only when legally mandated.

  The operations of debt service fund are similar to a commercial accounting“sinking fund”


  Capital projects funds are established for the construction or purchase or leasing of significant fixed assets.

  The life of the capital projects fund is short and is limited to a construction period of 1 to 3 years.

  Revenues=investment earning+tax revenues+capital grants+general fund transfers+special assessments+bond issue proceeds

  Capital grants received in advance are often recorded as a liability and displayed as earned as they are expended.

  Government grants may be restricted and are reported as “revenue” when earned,or may be unrestricted and recognized immediately.

  Special assessments are defined as taxes or fees levied against property owners who will directly benefit from the project(e.g.sidewalks and street lights)

  Capital project fund expenditures are usually entirely classified as capital outlay,one of the major character classifications.


  Permanent funds should be used to report resources that are legally restricted to the extent that only earnings and not principal,may be used for the purposes that support the reporting government‘s programs.

  In government funds,only Debt service fund and Permanent funds do NOT record encumbrances.

  FAR F8-5 Proprietary Funds


  Internal service funds are established to finance and account for services and supplies provided exclusively to other departments within a government unit or to other governmental units,typically on a cost-reimbursement basis.

  E.g.central garages and motor,central printing and duplicating services

  Revenue sources=restricted grant revenue+operating revenues+non-operating revenues.

  Expense types=operating expenses + non-operating expenses

  Unique accounting issues of internal service fund

  Adopt accrual accounting. Recording long-term liabilities,fixed assets,and depreciaiton.

  No budgetary accounts and encumbrances

  Net position=Net investment in capital assets+Restricted+Unrestricted(RUN)


  Enterprise funds are used to account for operations that are financed and operated in a manner similar to private business enterprise.

  E.g.Public utilities,public transportations systems,lotteries etc.

  Revenue sources=operating revenues+nonoperating revenues

  Expense types=operating expenses+nonoperating expenses

  Unique accounting issues of enterprise fund

  Accrual accounting

  Recording long-term liabilities and fixed assets


  Net position=net investment in capital assets+restricted+unrestricted(RUN)

  Cash flow statement of proprietary funds

  There are four parts(F8-68)

  Cash flows from operating activities

  Cash flows from NONCAPITAL financing activities

  Cash flows from CAPITAL and related financing activities

  Cash flows from investing activities

  F8-6 Fiduciary Funds


  All fiduciary funds,adopt full accrual method.

  All fiduciary funds,no cash flow required.

  All proprietary funds,cash flow statement is required.

  Pension trust funds account for government sponsored defined benefit and defined contribution plans and other employee benefits such as post retirement health care benefits.

  Revenue sources = employer & employee contributions+other fund transferring money to this fund+Income from investment

  Expense(Deduction)types=benefits payments+refunds+administrative expenses

  Unique accounting issue of pension fund

  Pension trust funds use the accrual basis of accounting.

  Pension liability change is caused by pension cost(SIR AGE)

  “SIR” expensed

  “AGE”,deferred outflows and deferred inflows

  Pension trusts capitalize fixed assets and record related depreciation expense.

  Pension trusts carry long-term debt and pay both principal and interest.

  Net position reported in a single line as “Net position:Held in trust for pension benefits and other purposes”

  On F/S of pension funds,the pension plan‘s investment are reported on a fair value basis.

  Agency trust fund collects cash to be held temporarily for an authorized recipient to whom it will be later disbursed.

  The recipient may be another fund or some individual or firm or even government outside of the government.

  For agency trust,NO income statement and NO cash flows.

  E.g.Tax collection funds.

  No revenue and No expense are recognized in agency funds.

  Tax collection funds exist when one local government collects a tax for an overlapping governmental unit and remits the amount collected,less administrative charges, to the recipient unit.

  Clearance funds–cash conduit arrangement(no monitoring)。Such as Alimony,child support,pass-through grants.

  Special assessments. When the governmental unit “is NOT otherwise obligated” for the debt,the receivables and debt service transaction are appropriately accounted for in the agency fund. If the governmental unit has liability,accounted as capital fund and debt service fund.

  F/S of agency fund

  No “Net position”

  No Income statement

  No cash flow statement


  Private purpose trust fund is the designated fund for reporting all other trust arrangements under which principal and income are for the benefit of one of the specific individuals,private organizations,other governments.


  Investment trust fund account for external investment pools.

  Adopt full accrual basis

  The plan‘s net assets(investments)are reported on a fair value basis



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我要纠错】 责任编辑:小敏


  • 章小炎《财务会计与报告》


  • 李向祎《审计与鉴证》



  • 美国注册会计师思维导图


  • 美国注册会计师学习计划


  • 美国注册会计师科目特点


  • 美国注册会计师报考指南


  • 美国注册会计师历年样卷


  • USCPA常用财会英语词汇



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