2021年第一学期澳洲注册会计师考试FR《财务报告》练习题:the fair value
Cayenne Ltd (Cayenne) purchases a property on 1 July 20X0 for $100 000. It sells the property on 1 January 20X3 to Snow Ltd (Snow) in exchange for 10 000 shares in Snow.
On that date, Snow’s share price is $11 and the fair value of the property is $108 000. Which one of the following statements is correct?
A Snow initially recognises the property at $100 000.
B Snow initially recognises the property at $108 000.
C Snow initially recognises the property at $110 000.
D Snow recognises a decrease in equity of $110 000.
Option A is incorrect. This reflects the fair value of the property at the date of purchase by another entity, and not the fair value of the property at the time it was acquired by Snow.
Option C is incorrect. IFRS 2 requires equity-settled share-based payment transactions to be measured at the fair value of the equity instruments granted only where the fair value of the goods or services acquired cannot be measured reliably (see IFRS 2, para. 10).
Option D is incorrect. Snow would reflect an increase in equity on recognition of the equity settled share-based payment (see IFRS 2, para. 10)
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