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会计英语 第八讲

来源: 正保会计网校 编辑: 2009/03/26 18:21:45  字体:













  Text 8 Accounts and Notes Receivables

  Use the allowance method of accounting for uncollectibles. Credit sales create receivables. Accounts receivable are usually current assets, and notes receivable may be current or long-term. Uncollectible receivables are accounted for by the allowance method or the direct write-off method. The allowance method matches expenses to sales revenue and also results in a more realistic measure of net accounts receivable.

  Estimate uncollectibles by the percentage of sales and the aging approaches. The percentage of sales method and the aging of accounts receivable method are the two main approaches to estimating bad debts under the allowance method.

  Use the direct write-off method of accounting for uncollectibles. The direct write-off method is easy to apply, but it fails to match the uncollectible-account expense to the corresponding sales revenue. Also, Accounts receivable are reported at their full amount, which misleadingly suggests that the company expects to collect all its accounts receivable.

  In credit-card sales, the seller receives cash from the credit-card company (American Express, for example), which bills the customer. For the convenience of receiving cash immediately, the seller pays a fee that is a percentage of the sale.

  Identify internal control weaknesses in accounts receivable. Companies that sell on credit receive most customer collections in the mail. Good internal control over mailed-in cash receipts means separating cash-handling duties from cash accounting duties.

  Account for notes receivable. Notes receivable are formal credit agreements. Interest earned by the creditor is computed by multiplying the note's principal amount by the interest rate times the length of the interest period.

  Because notes receivable are negotiable, they may be sold. Selling a note receivable——called discounting a note——creates a contingent(possible) liability for the note's payee.

  Report receivable on the balance sheet. All accounts receivable, notes receivable, and allowance accounts appear in the balance sheet. However, companies use various formats and terms to report these assets.

  Use the acid-test ratio and days' sales in receivables to evaluate a company's position. The acid-test ratio measures ability to pay current liabilities from the most liquid current assets. Days' sales in receivables indicates how long it takes to collect the average level of receivables.

  New Words

  allowance method 备抵法

  uncollectibles n. 不能收回的款项;坏帐

  receivables n.应收帐款

  long-term n. 长期(一年以上)

  account vt. 会计处理

  write——off n. 销记,划销,转销

  revenue n. 收入,收益

  accounts receivable n. 应收帐款

  credit sales n.赊销

  notes receivable n. 应收票据

  current asset n. 流动资产

  net accounts receivable n. 应收帐款净额

  approach n. 方法

  aging of accounts receivable 应收帐款帐龄分析

  bad debts n. 呆帐,坏帐

  corresponding adj. 相应的,对应的

  American Express n. 美国运通卡

  fee n. 费用

  internal adj. 内部的,内在的

  receipts n. (复数)收入

  creditor n. 债主,债权人

  compute vt. 计算

  multiply vt. 乘

  principal adj. 主要的;资本的;本金的

  negotiable adj. 可转让的,可流通的

  discount vt. 打折扣,贴现

  contingent adj. 应急的,意外的

  liability n. 负债

  payee n. 收款人

  balance sheet n. 资产负债表

  format n. 形式

  acid- test ratio 酸性实验比率(以流动负债与流动资产作比较)

  evaluate v. 估价,评价

  current liabilities n. 流动负债,经常性贷款,短期贷款




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