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马中两国考虑用本币结算双边贸易(Malaysia, China Consider Ending Trade In Dollars)

来源: 华尔街日报 Annelena Lobb 编辑: 2009/06/08 10:34:37  字体:

  Malaysia's prime minister said China and his country are considering conducting their trade in Chinese yuan and Malaysian ringgit, joining a rising number of nations thinking of phasing out the dollar.

  'We can consider whether we can use local currencies to facilitate trade financing between our two countries,' Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak told reporters at a briefing Wednesday after meeting with China's premier, Wen Jiabao.

  'What worries us is that the [U.S.] deficit is being financed by printing more money,' Mr. Najib said. 'That is what is happening. The Treasury in the United States is printing more notes.'

  China has been promoting the idea of replacing the dollar as the global currency, suggesting that a basket of currencies less linked to the fate of one economy would make more sense. It also has been talking about using the yuan for trade settlements, starting gradually in the region and then expanding farther abroad.

  On Monday, U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner urged China to move toward a more-flexible exchange rate for the yuan. If the yuan were to strengthen, that would increase China's domestic buying power and reduce the country's dependence on exports.

  Chinese trading partner Brazil is also looking at reducing its exposure to the dollar by conducting its trade with China in yuan.

  Despite countries' growing interest in adopting the yuan -- fostered by China's growing economic clout and worries about the U.S. government's deficit spending -- many experts agree it would take a long time to liberalize China's currency enough to be used as a global benchmark. Right now it's difficult to buy and sell yuan outside China.

  Malaysia's Mr. Najib, speaking on the second day of a four-day visit to Beijing, timed to coincide with the 35th anniversary of diplomatic ties established by Mr. Najib's father, said the two countries signed a series of framework agreements meant to facilitate trade and investment.

  Mr. Najib, who is also finance minister, has been struggling to revive Malaysia's export-dependent economy. In April, he unveiled measures to liberalize the country's finance sector, allowing greater foreign investment and rolling back some of the decades-old preferential policies granted to elevate the country's majority Muslim Malay population, which helped them compete with the ethnic Chinese.

  Last week, the government sharply revised down its annual gross-domestic-product forecast to a contraction of between 4% and 5%, versus an earlier estimate of a 1% decline. Analysts now predict the nation's fiscal deficit could rise to 8% of GDP, the highest level in a decade.

  But Mr. Najib ruled out more stimulus spending. 'We've introduced one of the biggest in the world -- as a percentage of GDP it's 9%. But there's a limit to which we can introduce fiscal stimulus,' he said.

  对于很多想知道自己的股票还值多少钱的通用汽车(General Motors Corp.)个人股东来说,答案看起来非常凄惨。

  华盛顿Baker Hostetler LLP合伙人、重组业务负责人沃克曼(Donald Workman)说,在破产分配中,普通股股东通常会被排除在外。他们是优先级最低的,排在债券持有者和优先股股东之后。



  根据政府的计划,新通用10%的股权将由现有债券持有者所有,17.5% 由全美汽车工人联合会(UAW)的一只医疗基金所有,12.5%由加拿大政府所有,60%由美国政府所有。奥巴马总统称美国政府是通用汽车一个"不情愿的"股东。




  波士顿金融咨询公司Mayflower Advisors执行合伙人格莱泽(Lawrence Glazer)说,通用汽车现有股票不太可能在破产期间保留任何价值。他说,对很多投资者来说,这些股票作为税损的价值将高于作为股票投资的价值。以致于如果以后股市上涨,投资者可以用在通用汽车的投资"对冲"未来的上涨。


  场外交易粉单市场(Pink OTC Markets Inc.)首席执行长库尔森(Cromwell Coulson)说,在破产计划被法官确认之前,该股将继续在场外交易。该股于周二下午4点报于每股0.61美元。


  从6月8日起,通用汽车将被从道琼斯工业股票平均价格指数成份股中剔除,此前该公司作为成份股已有80多年的历史。技术公司思科系统(Cisco Systems Inc.)将取代通用汽车成为新的成份股。




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