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全球钢铁产能增加 价格走低(双语)

来源: 互联网 编辑: 2011/04/22 13:26:24  字体:













  The world's steelmakers are increasing output despite softer demand, pushing down prices.


  In a few countries, notably Brazil and the U.S., steel prices remain high, thanks to steady demand in the former and limited output in the latter. AK Steel Holding Corp. in February said it would increase, by $50 a short ton, prices for all of its carbon, flat-rolled steel products, a move followed by other U.S. steelmakers.

  一些国家的钢材价格居高不下,尤其是巴西和美国。因为巴西的需求稳定,而美国的产出有限。AK钢铁控股公司(AK Steel Holding Corp)二月表示旗下所有碳扁钢价格每短吨(约合0.907吨)上调50美元,随后美国其它厂商也纷纷涨价。

  But U.S. prices -- especially for hot-rolled steel, a key component used in most steel products -- could be headed lower too, says Peter Marcus, economist and steel analyst for World Steel Dynamics Inc., a consulting firm. 咨询公司World Steel Dynamics Inc.

  的经济学家和钢铁分析师马库斯(Peter Marcus)说,美国的钢铁价格也可能走低,尤其是热轧钢。热轧钢是在多数钢铁产品中都会使用到的关键原料。

  "Steel buyers in the United States are bearish on the price outlook for hot-rolled," he says. "They're now receiving offers for hot-rolled band from abroad in the $740-$800 per-net-ton range, which compares to the domestic price in the $870-$890 per-ton range."

  马库斯说,美国的钢铁买家看跌热轧钢的价格前景。这些买家收到的热轧带材(hot-rolled band)的海外报价为每短吨740美元至800美元。相比之下,美国国内报价为每吨870美元至890美元。

  Many global steelmakers increased production in the second half as world economies strengthened. But price increases followed because of stronger demand -- and higher costs for raw ingredients, such as iron ore, coal and scrap -- across a broad spectrum of products, such as premium automotive-grade steel, pipe and tube for energy markets and plate steel for ships. The price of plate steel rose 22% in major steel-producing countries and the price for pipe and tubing rose 14% in the second half.


  Now, prices are falling as demand softens, in part because of unrest in the Mideast, the effects of Japan's earthquake and tsunami and relatively high supply. In China, the world's biggest steel producer and consumer, annualized steel production rose 16% to 708 million metric tons in February from November, according to the China Iron and Steel Association. Steel prices in China meanwhile have fallen around 8%-10%. 'The fundamental problem the Chinese mills have faced in recent times has been strong competition among the 30-plus entities selling their products to the same customers,' Mr. Marcus says.


  Outside China, February steel production rose to an annualized rate of 827 million metric tons, slightly higher than the peak of 811 million metric tons reached in May, according to World Steel Dynamics.

   中国之外,据World Steel Dynamics估计, 2月份钢铁产量折合年率上升至8.27亿吨,略高于去年5月8.11亿吨的产量峰值。

  Prices for key raw ingredients are falling as well. Prices for iron ore fell about 9.5% last month from February on the spot market, aided by plentiful supply.


  While analysts don't believe lower steel prices are part of a longer-term trend, they could continue to fall as buyers and traders wait and pit sellers against each other. Mills in Russia, India, Taiwan and parts of Europe have tried to boost prices between 2% and 7% for several types of steel, but some buyers are holding off.


  "It would not be prudent for us to buy more steel now if the prices are continuing to drop," says Stanislav Khazanov, steel buyer for Central Steel Co., a small Moscow-based buyer that also has operations in India and Ukraine and buys steel for use in tool making. "We have about six weeks of inventory that is sufficient. I believe prices will drop another 2%-5% in the next few weeks."

  莫斯科小型采购商Central Steel Co. 的钢铁采购员哈扎诺夫(Stanislav Khazanov)说,如果钢价还在持续下跌,那么我们现在购入更多钢材将是不够谨慎的行为。我们有大约六周的存货,足够用了。我认为未来几周钢价还会跌2%至5%。Central Steel Co.在印度和乌克兰也有业务,采购的钢铁用于制造工具。

  Mr. Khazanov isn't alone.


  "There is something of an impasse in the West European market as customers prefer to sit on the sidelines rather than place business at the inflated levels being demanded by the domestic producers," according to MEPS International, a U.K.-based steel consulting firm.

  总部位于英国的钢铁咨询公司MEPS International 说,西欧市场有点陷入停滞。客户宁肯观望,而不愿意以国内生产商要求的上涨后价格达成交易。

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