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来源: 互联网 编辑: 2011/04/25 09:36:12  字体:

  Many people in China and abroad view the country’s official inflation statistics with deep suspicion, arguing that real price rises are much greater than indicated by the government’s published consumer price index.


  But a comparison with The Economist magazine’s famous Big Mac Index provides proof that official Chinese inflation is actually pretty accurate, according to UBS economist Jonathan Anderson.

  然而,瑞银(UBS)经济学家乔纳森·安德森(Jonathan Anderson)表示,若与英国《经济学人》杂志(The Economist)知名的巨无霸汉堡包指数(Big Mac Index)进行比较,就会证明中国官方的通胀数据其实相当准确。

  The Index shows that the average price of a McDonald’s Big Mac hamburger in early 2003 in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen was Rmb10.20 and that by the end of 2010 the price had increased to Rmb14.50.


  This annual inflation rate of 4.4 per cent over eight years compares with the officially reported rate of 3.1 percent.


  But that is roughly the same difference between official inflation rates and respective Big Mac Indices in the US, Japan, Europe, Singapore, Poland, Mexico and Hungary – “none economies that tend to raise investor suspicions of pervasive statistical inflation misreporting,” according to Anderson.


  He points out that hamburger prices all over the world tend to rise faster than overall CPI because food prices have risen faster in most places.


  “In other words, according to the Big Mac index China official price statistics are, well, just as accurate as anyone else’s,” Anderson said.


  He also has an interesting explanation for the perception amongst Chinese citizens and the wider investment community that the government is lying about real price increases for political reasons.


  He says that when pressed for details of rising prices, many people in China actually reveal that they are upgrading their consumption patterns – moving from sidewalk dumpling stalls to branded restaurant chains, buying Nike trainers instead of fake leather loafers.


  “What these examples have in common, of course, is that they all represent increases in the standard of living; cash outlays may be rising rapidly as a result, but according to international standards, this is not inflation,” Anderson says.


  Finally, for an example of a country where inflation is very much underestimated by official figures Anderson compares Argentina’s data with the Big Mac Index in that country.


  Annual burger inflation in Argentina of nearly 18 per cent over the last eight years compares with an official annual rate of 8-9 per cent.


  “Given this picture, it should come as no surprise that Argentina is the one economy under our coverage where we have long maintained that inflation is officially understated,” Anderson says.


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