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来源: 互联网 编辑: 2011/07/05 16:56:37  字体:













  At first glance, Germany’s decision not to insist on compulsory participation by private lenders in the latest bail-out of Greece may seem like a defeat for Chancellor Angela Merkel and Europe’s largest economy. But appearances can be deceiving. On another, more important level, Germany came out of the latest round of brinkmanship exactly where it may well have wanted to be – with the common currency intact and Germany able to motor forward.

  乍看上去,德国不坚持要求私人贷方必须参与最新希腊纾困行动的决定,对于该国总理安格拉?默克尔(Angela Merkel)和这个欧洲最大的经济体而言,似乎是一场挫败。但这种表象可能带有欺骗性。从另一个更为重要的层面来说,德国走出了最新一轮的边缘政策,且恰恰是在该国很可能希望的节点上——共同货币安然无恙,而德国经济能够继续迅猛前行。

  These are heady days for Germany. With its torrid 6.1 percent first-quarter growth rate, it leads the field among industrialised nations. While Barack Obama has been exhorting the US to boost its exports, Germany – with just 82m inhabitants – has less vocally remained the world’s second-largest exporter. That has not only generated a huge current account surplus but has contributed two-thirds of Germany’s economic growth over the past decade.

  这正是德国的大好光景。凭借第一季度高达6.1%的增长率,德国在工业化国家中独领风骚。尽管巴拉克?奥巴马(Barack Obama)一直在倡导美国提振出口,但人口仅为8200万的德国,却不事张扬地保持着全球第二大出口国的地位。在过去10年里,这不仅为德国带来了巨额经常账户盈余,还为德国经济贡献了三分之二的增长。

  For the first time since 1992, fewer than 3m Germans are unemployed, and inflation – the perennial obsession of the descendants of the Weimar Republic – remains muted. Business people buzz with self-confidence and even a subtler version of the arrogance evident before the integration of East Germany drained $2,000bn from the West and gave rise to the phrase “the sick man of Europe”.

  1992年以来,德国失业人数首次降到了300万人以下,而长期困扰自魏玛共和国(Weimar Republic)以降历届德国政府的通胀问题,也得到了很好的控制。商界人士信心满满,甚至表现出一种不易觉察的傲慢——在两德统一前,这种傲慢十分明显。统一耗费了西部地区2万亿美元的资金,并创造出了“欧洲病人”这种说法。

  In her approach to the problems of the eurozone’s periphery, Ms Merkel has cleverly triangulated between the antagonism of the populace to bail-outs and the importance to business of doing (almost) whatever it takes to preserve the euro. That the views of the two constituencies diverge should not be a surprise.


  For German workers, the current prosperity has come at a price. Beginning in 2003, then-chancellor Gerhard Schr?der pushed through a massive “Agenda 2010” reform programme that successfully peeled back the German welfare state (among other things, unemployment benefits were pared to encourage work), relaxed stultifying regulatory practices and created a “grand bargain” with workers.

  对德国工人而言,当前的经济繁荣来之不易。从2003年开始,时任总理格哈德?施罗德(Gerhard Schr?der)大力推行一项宏大的“2010议程(Agenda 2010)”改革方案,成功地取消了德国福利国家制度(此外,为鼓励就业,还降低了失业救济金水平),放松了死板的监管实践,并与工人们达成了一项“全面协议”。

  That complex labour agreement traded lower wage demands for greater job security, achieved in part through “short work”, under which lay-offs were avoided by workers reducing their hours. Government subsidies made up part – but not all – of the lost wages. But even for those not on short work, wages were sacrificed on the altar of competitiveness. All told, real incomes dropped by 4.5 percent in the past decade, reports the International Labor Organisation. So Germany has been selling more and keeping its citizens employed without the rising standard of living that capitalism provides.


  In that context, the opposition of rank-and-file Germans to the bail-outs should not be surprising. Opinion polls regularly show Germans more strongly against helping Greece than the French or Italians. To accommodate that sentiment, Ms Merkel has stood fast on a second, less controversial bail-out requirement: that Greece intensify its efforts at austerity. Meanwhile, in private conversation, most German businessmen argue for a pragmatic emphasis on safeguarding the euro. Some even back transfer payments to ease crushing Greek debt loads. That shouldn’t be surprising either, given the joyride that German exporters have received from the currency, whose value is held down by the poor performance of weaker members. A dissolution of the eurozone would leave German exporters confronted with a far more expensive currency and a less competitive position.


  With the euro intact and its members lashed at the hip to Germany, the prospects for Germany’s economy glisten. Over the past decade, German competitiveness (as measured by unit labour costs) has improved by 20 percent while that of weaker European countries has remained flat. That allows German companies not only to out-compete other eurozone countries in world markets; it also provides German exporters with an advantage when selling into other European markets, where 60 percent of German exports go.


  Like other developed nations, Germany faces tough competition from China and its smaller brethren. But apart from its sensible economic policies, the country benefits from the formidable positioning of its manufacturing sector. It benefits as well from a more intangible factor: underlying discipline and drive for success. With that behind her, Ms Merkel’s influence over eurozone policies will continue to be greater than headline writers sometimes like to acknowledge.


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