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来源: 互联网 编辑: 2011/07/14 16:17:11  字体:

  As the Communist Party of China celebrates its 90 anniversary this month, it has identified corruption and increasing inequality as two key challenges facing the country, a party official visiting India said on Monday.


  "Yes, these are two challenges facing CPC: Corruption and enlarging gap between different sections of society,"said Chen Jin, vice-director of the Party Literature Research Office of the party's central committee, speaking on governance at the Observer Research Foundation think-tank in New Delhi. Mr. Chen, who spoke in Chinese and had an interpreter, holds a deputy minister's rank in the party that rules China.

  Philippe Lopez/Agence France-Presse/Getty Image中国共产党庆祝建党90周年。中共中央文献研究室副主任陈晋说,腐败和社会不同群体间日益扩大的差距是中国共产党面临的两大障碍。陈晋是在新德里智库“观察家研究基金会”(Observer Research Foundation)做国家治理相关发言时讲这番话的。陈晋用中文发言,由译员口译。他在党内的官阶相当于副部级。

  He also said the party has recognized that there is laziness and incompetence among some of its senior cadres.


  Indian political scientists often look enviously at China's one-party political system, viewing it as more efficient and more capable of curbing problems like corruption. But, as in India, Chinese leaders are increasingly identifying corruption as a major problem, with Premier Wen Jiabao saying earlier this year it could lead to instability in the country.


  While both India and China suffer from endemic corruption, they differ in their approaches to handling corruption cases. In India, the cases go through lengthy court proceedings amid a huge backlog of cases. China, on the other hand, has been dealing with the corrupt officials in recent years more aggressively--and, critics say, repressively.


  Mr. Chen defended his party's approach to dealing with corruption inside the party.


  In 2007, China executed its former drugs safety chief, a rare sentence for such a high-ranking official, after the country's Supreme People's Court upheld the conviction and death sentence of lower court that found him guilty of taking bribes from drug companies. Last year, it put to death the former police chief of a southwestern Chinese city following his conviction on charges that included bribery, shielding criminal gangs and rape.


  Perhaps taking a cue from their northern neighbor, some of India's recent anti-corruption crusaders like Baba Ramdev have been demanding capital punishment for those convicted of corruption.

  或许是从邻国中国得到了启发,印度最近一些反腐败的坚定拥护者,比如拉姆德夫(Baba Ramdev)就一直要求将那些被定罪的腐败分子处以死刑。

  "Corruption can happen to any political party in the world," said Mr. Chen, adding that the Communists were "committed to combat corruption effectively because we want to be the ruling party for a longer time."


  Mr. Chen, who had just visited Pakistan and is heading next to Nepal, said he disagreed with Western scholars who criticize the way the Communists combat corruption. "Western scholars are criticizing CPC out of misunderstanding. We would like to invite them to China to research," he said.


  In response to a question from the audience, which was mainly comprised of former Indian bureaucrats and Indian experts on China, Mr. Chen said the country did not expect to see mass uprisings of the sort that occurred earlier this year in the Middle East and Northern Africa. Mr. Jin said his party does everything to serve people and that the Communist party was central to China's progress.


  "If CPC fails, all the past achievements will disappear," he said.


  On another question from the audience on whether there was any possibility of transition from China's present one-party system to a multi-party system, Mr. Jin said one party can dominate in power even in a multi-party system like India's. He said there are eight non-communist parties in China whose members serve as high-ranking officials. "We listen to views and opinions of non-Communist parties and the public while making policies," he said.


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