Anyone in the U.S corn futures market could be forgiven for feeling seasick after the sharp swings of recent weeks. Don't expect the ride to finish anytime soon.
Weather fears have helped Chicago futures for September delivery rebound from a 10% slide sparked by the Department of Agriculture's strong June estimate of domestic stocks and output.
Tuesday, the USDA predicted more corn will be used to make ethanol than to feed animals this season for the first time in U.S. history. That is expected to continue, despite the likelihood the government will scrap the 45-cent-a-gallon tax credit for blending ethanol into gasoline.
The USDA also raised its estimate for ending stocks--the amount left at the marketing year's end--by 150 million bushels to 880 million bushels in 2010-11, and to 870 million bushels by 2011-12, both well below market expectations.
“It is too early to call for an end to the rally in corn, and the recent move by a number of analysts downgrading price forecasts appears premature,” said Barclays Capital analyst Sudakshina Unnikrishnan.
巴克莱资本(Barclays Capital)分析师Sudakshina Unnikrishnan说,现在认为结束玉米期货价格的回升为时过早,很多分析师近来都调低了价格预期,这似乎是个仓促之举。
At Thursday's settlement of $7.164 a bushel, prices are well shy of the record $7.9975 of early June. Analysts point to several elements likely to lift prices.
First is the weather. The U.S. crop already has suffered planting delays because of heavy rains in the spring. Now, scorching temperatures across the Plains and western Midwest threaten to hurt yields during the crucial pollination period. Stocks already are at a 15-year low, so any dent in production would ripple through the market.
And markets already are nervous about yields. The USDA kept its yield estimate at 158.7 bushels an acre, the third highest on record. This is likely to be downgraded in August, presenting “a bullish risk for the 2011-12 balance sheet” says Rabobank analyst Erin Fitzpatrick, at the same time as the USDA releases planting figures for the flood-hit states of the Dakotas, Minnesota and Montana, which account for 10% to 15% of the national crop.
其次,市场已开始担心玉米产量问题。美国农业部将其产量估测维持在每英亩(约合0.4公顷)158.7蒲式耳,在历史纪录上可谓第三高。荷兰合作银行(Rabobank)分析师菲茨帕特里克(Erin Fitzpatrick)说,这一估测可能会在8月份被调低,代表2011/12销售年度资产负债表可能面临看涨的可能。与此同时,美国农业部发布了受洪灾影响的达科他州、明尼苏达州和蒙大拿州的玉米播种数据,这三个州的玉米产量占美国全国玉米产量的10%至15%。
“We expect that this uncertainty will continue to be reflected in elevated price volatility and a higher risk premium that will support prices above our forecast,” said Goldman Sachs Group.
高盛集团(Goldman Sachs Group)说,我们认为有关玉米产量的不确定将继续通过价格波动幅度加大和风险溢价升高体现出来,这会促使玉米期货价格高过我们的预期。
Then there is the speculation about demand from China. The USDA quadrupled its estimate of the Asian nation's imports for the next marketing year to 2 million tons after importers bought 540,000 tons of U.S. corn this month in the largest daily purchase since 1995.
News that Beijing intends to restart its 2.5 billion yuan ($386 million) investment program in large pig farms--the major driver of the country's corn consumption--means China's imports could double that. Any decline in prices recently has been met by higher demand. That looks unlikely to change.
Speculative investors have swooped in to buy back into corn's rally. Since Tuesday, funds have increased their length by an estimated 40,000 contracts to around 338,165 contracts. According to research by ANZ Bank, speculative money added 10%, or 60 cents, to prices from June 2010 to May 2011, so more fund interest is likely to drive prices higher for the next few weeks at least.
投机性投资者接玉米价格上涨趁机而入。周二以来,基金增加了估计4万份玉米期货合约,使其总合约达到338,165份左右。据澳新银行(ANZ Bank)的研究报告显示,2010年6月至2011年5月,投机性资金使玉米期货价格上涨了10%(约60美分),所以基金对玉米期货兴趣的提高可能会在至少未来几周推高玉米期货的价格。
Still, with millions of extra tons expected to come from Russia, Ukraine, Europe and Argentina in 2011-12, many expect prices to plunge again. “You've got to remember we're at $7 corn,” said a senior trader in London. “Anything that goes against the bullish sentiment could see us fall pretty hard.”
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