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奢侈品网店出新招 争取中国客青睐(双语)

来源: 互联网 编辑: 2011/08/06 09:24:57  字体:













  When China's online luxury shoppers click to spend more than $4,000 on a Maison Martin Margiela leather jacket or over $3,000 for an Alexander McQueen dress on fashion website thecorner.com.cn, they will have an option the company doesn't make available to any other customers around the world.

  当中国的网络奢侈品购物者在时尚网站thecorner.com.cn点击鼠标花四千多美元买下一件Maison Martin Margiela的皮夹克或花三千多美元买一条Alexander McQueen的裙子时,他们有机会享受该网站还未向全球任何其它地区购物者提供的一项服务。

  FedEx Corp. delivery men will wait on the doorsteps of Chinese consumers while they inspect their purchases, try them on for size, and decide if the products are worthy of keeping or sending back.

  Dan and Corina LeccaThecorner.com.cn将在线销售时装,比如图中由海德•艾克曼(Haider Ackermann)设计的这件。联邦快递(FedEx Corp.)公司的快递员会在中国消费者的家门口等着他们验收货品、试穿衣物并决定是留下还是退回商品。

  Luxury Internet-retail company Yoox Group SpA and FedEx custom designed the service, which will start up in September to accompany the launch of thecorner.com.cn, Yoox's online designer fashion store.

  伴随时尚品牌购物网站thecorner.com.cn的推出,网络奢侈品零售商Yoox Group SpA和联邦快递联手定制了这项将于今年9月开始提供的服务。thecorner.com.cn是Yoox公司旗下的设计师品牌时尚网店。

  Yoox, based in Milan, is aiming to appeal to China's high-end buyers, who are driving the world's fastest-growing luxury market and are getting accustomed to being pampered each time they open their wallets. The goal is to draw more of that luxury spending online. It is also part of a larger trend of retailers offering special perks to impress upon China's consumers they are priority No. 1.


  “China's luxury buyers started decades later than the rest of the world, but in many ways, they are not only catching up but are surpassing the others,” said Federico Marchetti, founder and chief executive of Yoox, which runs thecorner.com.

  Yoox的创办人兼首席执行长马尔凯蒂(Federico Marchetti)说,和世界其它国家相比,中国的奢侈品买家起步要晚数十年。但从很多方面看,他们不仅赶了上来,而且正在超过其它国家的消费者。Yoox运营在线购物网站thecorner.com。

  Thecorner.com sells collections from rising designers to consumers in more than 50 countries including the U.S. and countries across Europe. It may offer the standby service designed with FedEx in other countries if it proves successful in China, Mr. Marchetti added. Yoox.com, another of the company's online stores, launched in China in December.


  Yoox and FedEx declined to specify the financial details of their arrangement.


  Long gone are the days when setting up a store in China was enough to attract the attention of that nation's big spenders. China's luxury lovers are now among the world's most sophisticated, Mr. Marchetti said, adding they are well versed in their knowledge of brands.


  They have also grown more demanding, said Chloe Reuter, who runs ReuterPR, a Shanghai-based public-relations firm. “The crucial question is: How can a brand go above and beyond to offer an unforgettable experience?”

  总部位于上海的公关公司ReuterPR的负责人鲁尔特(Chloe Reuter)说,中国客户的要求也变得越来越高。关键的问题在于:一个品牌如何才能超越对手给顾客提供一次难忘的购物经历?

  Luxury brands now have to up their ante with star-studded events and China-centric offers to win the affection and loyalty of the market, which is poised to become the world's largest luxury market by 2020. China is estimated to account for at least 20% of anticipated $547 billion worth of luxury purchases by that year, according to investment research group CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets.

  想要赢得中国消费者的倾慕和忠诚,各大奢侈品牌如今不得不提高标准,举办一些星光熠熠的活动并为中国市场专门准备一些礼物。到2020年中国将成为全球最大奢侈品市场。据投资研究集团里昂证券亚太区市场(CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets)估计,到2020年全球奢侈品购买量将达到5,470亿美元,预计中国至少能在其中占据20%的份额。

  Events that were once reserved for established fashion centers -- New York, Paris, and Tokyo -- are now popping up in China. Jewelry designer Cindy Chao in late July brought “Sex and the City” actress Sarah Jessica Parker to help her show off her $400,000 bracelets to prized and would-be customers. Around the same time, Ferrari gave customers private driving lessons in Shanghai with professional Formula 1 drivers.

  那些曾为老牌时尚中心(纽约、巴黎和东京)保留的特别活动如今已现身中国。珠宝设计师赵心绮(Cindy Chao)携电视剧《欲望都市》(Sex and the City)中的女演员萨拉•杰西卡•帕克(Sarah Jessica Parker)向潜在重要客户展示其价值40万美元的手镯。大约在同一时间,法拉利在上海给客户提供由F1专业车手执教的私人驾驶课程。

  Also in July, Prada invited a limited crowd of its Chinese customers to a fashion show in which runway models presented sister-brand Miu Miu's winter collection, while guests sat at dinner tables, feasting on lobster tail and passion fruit panna cotta.

  同样在7月,普拉达(Prada)在其中国客户中邀请了一小批来参加一场时装展示会。展示会上,时装模特展示了普拉达的姊妹品牌Miu Miu的冬季系列时装。来宾围坐在餐桌旁,吃着龙虾尾和西番莲果奶酪。

  Service providers are also working to distinguish themselves in the increasingly crowded luxury market. At Hilton Worldwide Inc. hotels, China's high-end world travelers can have access to customized Chinese services that include front desk workers fluent in Mandarin, Chinese-language television channels, and their own breakfast menu of friend dough sticks and rice porridge known as zhou (pronounced like “joe”). Starwood Hotels Resorts Worldwide now globally offers in-room tea kettles, slippers, and translation services.

  在竞争日益激烈的奢侈品市场上,服务提供商也在努力将自己和竞争者区别开来。在希尔顿酒店(Hilton Worldwide Inc.),中国高端环球商旅人士能够使用中文定制服务,其中包括能说流利普通话的前台工作人员;中文电视频道以及特供早餐:油条配粥。喜达屋酒店度假村集团(Starwood Hotels Resorts Worldwide)目前在全球范围内为中国客人提供室内茶壶、拖鞋和翻译服务。

  “In a country where everything has been built within the past five to 10 years, just being new isn't enough,” Starwood CEO Frits van Paaschen said in a recent interview in Beijing.

  喜达屋酒店集团首席执行长帕萨岑(Frits van Paaschen)最近在北京接受采访时说,在一个一切都是在过去五到10年内建成的国家,仅仅做到“新”是不够的。

  Thecorner.com.cn will feature a 24-hour call center and instant-messaging fashion advisers who can answer questions about fabric, quality, style and sizing. Mr. Marchetti expects to have many queries since thecorner.com.cn is unveiling for the first time in the China market clothing from designers such as Alexander Wang, whose dresses have been worn by First Lady Michelle Obama, and Haider Ackermann, whose works have been shown off by pop star legend Lady Gaga.

  Thecorner.com.cn将设有一个24小时呼叫中心,并配备时尚顾问。时尚顾问可以利用即时通讯工具回答有关面料、质量、款式和尺寸等问题。马尔凯蒂预计会接到很多咨询,因为thecorner.com.cn是首次在中国市场引入设计师王大仁(Alexander Wang,美国第一夫人米歇尔•奥巴马曾穿过他设计的礼服)和海德•艾克曼(Haider Ackermann,流行音乐传奇人物Lady Gaga曾展示过他的作品)等人的衣服。

  To ease concerns about counterfeit products -- still a big issue in China -- Yoox is attaching to each product a radio-frequency-identification, or RFID, tag to track products from warehouse to doorstep to make sure nothing is swapped out for fake lookalikes. Consumers know that if it doesn't come with the RFID tag, which looks like an extra price tag, then it isn't the real thing.


  Products ordered on thecorner.com.cn in China also come with the shopping bag of the brand and in an reusable, extra-durable gift box made of sturdy cardboard with a magnetic clasp, as Chinese buyers like to flaunt their purchases, Mr. Marchetti said.


  Still, luxury services may be not be enough to convert high-end customers to online shopping, said Yuval Atsmon, a principal partner at consultancy McKinsey Co. in Shanghai. 'While everything online is growing very quickly, including spending on some luxury goods, most consumers will continue to buy in stores,' Mr. Atsmon said. A McKinsey survey of more than 1,500 consumers in 17 Chinese cities showed 44% of luxury shoppers prefer to learn about products in physical stores.

  咨询公司麦肯锡(McKinsey Co.)上海分公司全球董事安宇宏(Yuval Atsmon)说,尽管如此,奢华的服务可能还不足以让高端消费者转到网上购物。安宇宏说,虽然在网上包括某些奢侈品购买在内的一切事物都发展地非常迅速,但大多数消费者还是会继续到实体店购物。麦肯锡开展的一项针对中国17个城市的1,500多名消费者的调查显示,44%的奢侈品消费者更愿意到实体店了解产品。

  And even offering additional services may not be enough to win some shoppers for whom price trumps all. Jin Yunduan, a 46-year-old shopper in Beijing, said she normally buys her luxury products on Wooha.com, a Beijing-based online retailer that launched in 2006, because it typically has less-expensive prices and calls her when new products arrive.


  “I don't really need a FedEx man to stand at my door,” Ms. Jin said. “I just want to know I'm getting the best prices.”


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