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中国学生不差钱 挤爆美国研究生院(双语)

来源: 互联网 编辑: 2011/08/17 10:54:42  字体:













  Thanks to a thriving economy at home, an increasing number of Chinese students are attending U.S. graduate schools, according to a study to be released on Tuesday by a graduate-school industry group.


  Graduate schools saw a 21% increase in Chinese applicants from the last school year and a 23% increase in admissions offers, for students slated to start this fall, according to a study by the Council of Graduate Schools. It is the sixth year in a row of double-digit percentage increases for Chinese students.

  据美国研究生院委员会(Council of Graduate Schools)的研究报告显示,申请今年秋季入读美国研究生院的中国学生较上学年增加了21%,而被录取的中国学生增加了23%。这是入读美国研究生院的中国学生人数连续第六年实现两位数增长。

  Applications and offers were up sharply for international students overall, jumping 11% compared with 2010, according to the report. The study looked at data for a total of 591,739 applications to U.S. graduate schools by prospective international students for fall 2011.


  Business schools, in particular, are accepting more Chinese and international students. Graduate business programs extended 16% more offers to international students for the class entering this fall, compared with the prior school year, according to Council of Graduate Schools' data. That's a significant shift in strategy: In 2010, business schools increased admissions offers by only 3% despite seeing an 11% increase in applicants by international students.


  More middle-class Chinese professionals can afford U.S. tuition these days, said Peggy Blumenthal, senior counselor at the Institute of International Education, a nonprofit group that administers the Fulbright Scholar Program and fosters partnerships among schools world-wide. Meanwhile, American students may have more difficulty finding the funds to cover tuition given the troubled economy, she said.

  国际教育协会(Institute of International Education)高级顾问布鲁门托(Peggy Blumenthal)说,现在中国有更多的中产阶级专业人士能够负担得起美国的学费。该协会是一个非盈利组织,负责管理富布赖特学者计划(Fulbright Scholar Program),并培养全球学校间的合作伙伴关系。她说,与此同时,鉴于美国陷入困境的经济,美国学生可能更难以找到钱来交学费。

  “In China, the economy is booming and both students and their parents have the money and are willing to invest it in education,” Ms. Blumenthal said.


  According to the Institute, Chinese students enrolled in U.S. undergraduate and graduate schools increased nearly 30% to 127,628 in the 2009-2010 academic year from the prior academic year. The number of students from Saudi Arabia, which launched a state-funded scholarship program in 2006, rose almost 25% to 15,810 in the same period. Those were two of the fastest-growing sources of international students, according to the IIE.


  Brazil and China have also been offering students funding, hoping they will return home with their newfound skills and ideas.


  “I've been struck at how many of these countries view these investments as important for their development,” said Patrick Osmer, vice provost and dean at Ohio State University's graduate school. He said that, based on his own experience, more students have been going back in recent years as their home countries' economies heat up.

  美国俄亥俄州立大学(Ohio State University)研究生院副教务长兼院长奥斯莫(Patrick Osmer)说,这些国家中有这么多都认为教育投资对其发展十分重要,我对此深受震动。他说据他观察,由于那些国家的经济形势欣欣向荣,近年来学成归国的学生越来越多。

  International candidates, particularly those from China, now have better English-language skills, which make them more attractive to U.S. schools, admissions officers say.


  Schools are also hoping to bolster their reputations for offering a “global” education that exposes students to people and ideas from around the world. For business schools there is a strong need to meet the demands of corporate recruiters, who are increasingly seeking candidates capable of working in a multinational conglomerate.


  The University of Michigan's Ross School of Business expects international students to represent about 34% of its total class entering this fall, up from 30% in the prior year. International applications rose by 12% in the latest admissions cycle.

  美国密歇根大学(University of Michigan)罗斯商学院(Ross School of Business)预计,在该学院今年秋季所招的全部学生中,海外学生大概占到34%,较去年增加30%。海外学生的入学申请在最近一轮招生中增加了12%。

  And at Stanford University's Graduate School of Business, 37% of students came from outside the U.S., up from 33% the prior year.

  在斯坦福大学(Stanford University)商学院(Graduate School of Business),37%的学生来自海外,前一年的数字是33%。

  To be sure, not all business schools are transforming their student-body profiles. Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Sloan School of Management has kept its proportion of international students around 40% in recent years, despite an increase in international applicants, according to Julie Strong, senior associate director of admissions.

  当然,并非所有商学院都在改变其学生组成比例。麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)的史隆管理学院(Sloan School of Management)招生处高级副主任斯特隆(Julie Strong)表示,尽管海外学生的申请有所增加,但近年来该学院一直将留学生的比例保持在40%左右。

  Ms. Strong said, “We're an American school in the United States, so we need to maintain a U.S. flavor in our program.”


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