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来源: 互联网 编辑: 2011/08/26 10:38:09  字体:

  The first data point on the state of the Chinese economy in August shows output at the world's factory continuing to contract.


  The preliminary reading for August on HSBC's survey of manufacturers came in at 49.8, up slightly from 49.3 in July, but still below the 50 mark that separates expansion from contraction.


  Readings for output, new orders and new export orders all pointed to a deterioration in conditions since July. The low reading for the HSBC purchasing managers' index, or PMI, is especially striking because a large part of the sample covers small exporters, a bellwether for the state of foreign demand and the outlook for the global economy.


  China's small businesses have had a tough year. At home, credit rationing has starved them of finance, electricity shortages have starved them of power, and rising wages have starved them of cheap labor. A recent report by China's central bank points to increases in labor costs in the second quarter of 10% to 30% from last year.


  Abroad, a faltering global recovery has taken the edge off demand for exports, and the evidence of the latest HSBC survey is that new orders from foreign customers continue to fall.


  Stock markets in Shanghai and Hong Kong took comfort that the data showed the situation for manufacturers deteriorating at a slower pace than in the previous month. But the real situation could be even worse than the PMI reading suggests.


  Paul Cavey, China economist at Macquarie, says a large and increasing number of small businesses are being forced to accept receivables, a kind of IOU, in lieu of payment for goods. Small firms report a lengthening wait for payment and receivables as a share of sales mounting to worrying levels.

  麦格理(Macquarie)中国经济学家许保罗(Paul Cavey)说,数量庞大且越来越多的小企业正在被迫接受应收账款(receivable,借据的一种)以替代货款。小企业反映等待付款期延长,应收账款在销售收入中的比例也达到了令人担忧的水平。

  The increasing acceptance of promised payment not only points to small businesses stretching to keep production lines running. It also suggests that if bankruptcies do occur, the impact will be greater. If one small business goes under with months of bills unpaid, all the firms in the supply chain will take a hit.


  In an economy still expanding at an annualized rate of 9.1%, widespread business failures seem unlikely. But with concerns mounting about the global recovery, this latest evidence of a sequential slowdown in the world's factory is another troubling data point.


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